Personal Development
What's a Vocation? Find Certainty in Your Professional Life

What's a Vocation? Find Certainty in Your Professional Life

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The Significance of Finding Your Vocation

Have you ever heard someone describe their career with a sense of pride and enthusiasm, exclaiming that it's their �calling�? When you understand your vocation, it's easy to understand that feeling of purpose and motivation. Having a career that you feel is meaningful can lead to better physical and emotional wellbeing and inspire healthy decisions in other areas of life.

The word �vocation� has its roots in Latin, deriving from the words �vocatio� and �vocare�, which mean �to call or summon�. Historically, it was used to describe a life of spiritual and reflective contemplation and was especially prevalent during Ancient Greek and Roman times. During these times, manual labor was often undertaken by those lower in the social pyramid, while those at the top devoted themselves to a consecrated life. This hierarchical understanding of labor was further developed by the Catholic Church, which encouraged Christians to answer the call of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Today, the definition of vocation has evolved to describe any occupation one finds meaningful, thus making it accessible to everyone. There are two core types of vocations, personal and skillful.

Personal Vocations:

A personal vocation involves contributing to your community or society without financial compensation - think of activities such as volunteering at a local church or leading exercise classes at a retirement home. Depending on the task, this vocation may require the use of professional skills, such as a lawyer providing pro-bono legal work for those in need or a teacher tutoring at-risk youth.

Skillful Vocations:

A skillful vocation, on the other hand, effectively leverages one's skill set to build a meaningful career. This type of work brings value to your employer, colleagues, and society as a whole. We can break this down into four categories; helpers and healers, justice seekers, entrepreneurs and innovators, and coaches and mentors.

  • Helpers and healers - human rights activist, nurse, doctor, therapist, hospice worker, speech pathologist, social worker, teacher, caretaker, yoga instructor, etc.
  • Justice seekers - those working to eliminate inequality and exclusion in the world, dedicating their energy to creating a better place for everyone.
  • Entrepreneurs and innovators - those who use their talents and ambition to bring something new into the world, such as inventors, business owners, creators, etc.
  • Coaches and mentors - those who use their experiences and knowledge to help guide others, such as life coaches, career coaches, teachers, and mentors.

At Shiken, we understand that finding your vocation can be life-changing and are dedicated to helping individuals do so. We provide services and resources to equip our clients with the tools and knowledge they need for success. If you're ready to find your vocation, get in touch today and let us help you get started!

Discover Your Ideal Profession

Building deeper connections, living with meaning and purpose, and finding a sense of belonging are all accomplishments that many strive for. Though it may seem elusive, there is a way to find and pursue a career that speaks to us. It's not always easy, but it is possible to avoid the traps of hustle culture and obtain a profession that is fulfilling and meaningful. Here are some steps to help you discover and pursue your vocation.

7 Steps for Finding and Pursuing Your Vocation

  • The first step is taking an honest look at your individual skills and strengths. Reflecting on your personal life experiences will give you clues as to what you are naturally good at and what makes you feel useful. Also, consider activities that give you a sense of flow and the ambitions you had as a child.
  • Once you have a better understanding of what type of career speaks to you, it's time to visualize your ideal job. Ask yourself how you would spend your time if you were not concerned with financial security. How do you feel when you think about this profession? You should feel excited and passionate.
  • After visualizing, develop the habits that will allow you to be successful in the chosen vocation. Take baby steps and measure your progress as you go. Make it goal to read or write for an hour a day if you're wanting to develop your storytelling skills. Or, if you're interested in the food industry, test your cooking skills by creating recipes each week.
  • It's important to conduct thorough research about the professions you're interested in. Talk to those in the field, read books and online articles, and consider taking an internship or externship to get experience.
  • Take your time as you pursue your calling. Skills are developed through experience and study, so remember to be patient. Also, break the large goal of finding meaningful work into smaller, achievable milestones so you don't become overwhelmed.
  • Structuring your time is key. As you pursue a new vocation, you need to prioritize your time and tasks differently. Create a weekly or monthly schedule to ensure you are making enough time for what is needed.
  • Finally, keep learning and adapting. Stay curious about your chosen vocation and be open to new information as you go. Listen to podcasts, attend conferences, and read books related to the field.

Finding a vocation is a difficult process but is worth the effort. It gives the priceless gift of feeling purposeful in your job and life.

Volunteering and Finding Your Callings

Volunteering is an important part of discovering your vocation, and may require some sacrifice of time with friends in order to do so. In the end, it is incredibly fulfilling and can be a great way to explore a potential career path. It also provides an opportunity to give back and help the community.

What Is a Calling?

Finding your life's calling can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. A calling is driven by the intention of helping others and making a positive contribution to something bigger than yourself, commonly achieved through teamwork, collaboration, and community building.

Getting Started

If you are looking to advance your career, you may need to adjust your current work hours in order to attend classes and build your skills. Once you have a sense of your availability, organize your time and make any necessary changes to prioritize constructing a satisfying life.

Seeking Support

It is crucial to recognize the need for help. Connecting with a mentor, coach, or vocational counselor can assist you with your journey to more meaningful work. Giving your calling a shot takes a lot of courage and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. By knowing what your calling is, you have already taken the first giant step.

Arming Yourself For Success

Having knowledge of your calling serves as an initial spark, and you should use it to lead you on the path to success. You will need to make tough decisions and adjust your lifestyle to give your purpose the attention it needs in order to take off and thrive. Embrace your enthusiasm and energy and keep in mind that it will require hard work and energy to reach your goal.

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