Personal Development
Holistic Wellness Is a Real Thing. Here's Why You Need It.

Holistic Wellness Is a Real Thing. Here's Why You Need It.

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The Benefits of Holistic Wellness for Optimal Health

When speaking about holistic wellness, people typically refer to one of two concepts. The term is often used as a way to describe alternative medicines or treatments, such as natural remedies for a medical diagnosis. On the other hand, the literal meaning of the word 'holistic' is to look at wellness as an interdependence of different aspects of health. This would include mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as other areas of life that are connected.

Why is Holistic Wellness Necessary?

Western society typically associates wellness with physical health. This is a narrow view of overall health, as it fails to recognize the connection between seemingly unrelated areas of life. As an example, stress has been known to worsen physical health issues, and it has an emotional impact as well. Holistic wellness brings attention to how we can better approach our overall health and well-being in a more comprehensive way.

Holistic wellness is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. With the lines between work and home constantly blurring, it is important to recognize that there is only one �you� � there is no distinction between �work you� and �home you�. Companies that want to increase productivity, creativity, and innovation must prioritize holistic wellness.

Shiken has created the Whole Person Model (WPM) to measure the mindsets and behaviors that research has shown lead to peak performance, enhanced well-being, and strong company culture. This model provides a framework for people and professionals to understand how their mental fitness and other aspects of their life all come together to influence their performance.

7 Components of Holistic Wellness

The National Wellness Institute (NWI) identifies 6 key components of holistic wellness: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and occupational. By looking at optimal health and wellness through a multi-faceted approach, we can support and empower the whole person.

  • Mental Wellness - Mental wellbeing and mental fitness are essential for our overall health. A healthy mind allows us to think critically, communicate effectively, learn and grow, and stay present in the moment. Poor mental fitness is associated with decreased resilience and resistance to stress.
  • Physical Health - Physical health is a part of holistic wellness and it includes energy, flexibility, strength, fitness, sleep, and nutrition. Taking good care of one�s physical health through proper nutrition, rest, and movement can help cultivate a feeling of vitality.
  • Emotional Wellness - Emotional wellness refers to one�s ability to understand their emotions and remain in control of them. It�s important for all aspects of life, from relationships to work. Being emotionally healthy means being able to cope with life�s challenges, practice self-care, communicate effectively, and cultivate meaningful relationships.
  • Spiritual Wellness - Spiritual wellness refers to having a sense of meaning and purpose in life. It involves having beliefs that provide direction and encourage us to make better decisions. It also involves taking time to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and engage in activities that cultivate gratitude and faith.
  • Social Wellness - Social wellness is about connecting with others and forming meaningful relationships. It involves being comfortable in social settings, having strong communication and interpersonal skills, and knowing how to express yourself authentically.
  • Occupational Wellness - Occupational wellness involves developing a strong work ethic, taking pride in your work, and finding a career that you enjoy. It also involves setting and achieving goals, taking responsibility for your actions, and finding balance between work and leisure activities.
  • Financial Wellness - Financial wellness is about managing your finances in a responsible way. It involves budgeting your money, understanding debt and investments, knowing your rights and responsibilities as a consumer, and maintaining financial security.

By understanding the connection between each area of life and taking a comprehensive approach to holistic wellness, we can strive for optimal health and wellbeing.

What Is Holistic Wellness?

Holistic wellness is an integrative approach to overall health and wellness that focuses on the whole person, incorporating mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and occupational wellness. This approach is beneficial for cultivating feelings of belonging and connection to others, as well as aiding in creating a healthier and more fulfilling life. It also helps in developing a better understanding of how each aspect of health can intersect and impact the others. Below, we will discuss the five components of holistic wellness and how to best achieve it.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is a crucial factor of total health that influences our relationship with ourselves and others. It is vital for managing emotions, handling stressful circumstances, asking for help when necessary, and dealing with uncomfortable feelings. As mental and emotional wellbeing play a large role in public health, it is important to focus on and comprehend emotional wellness as suicide is a leading cause of death in the US.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is all about a person's relationship to something greater than themselves. People who care for their spiritual well-being have been reported to feel more meaning and purpose in life, and tend to be more resilient while confronting troublesome circumstances. Those who are not linked to something larger than themselves are more likely to experience existential crises.

Social Wellness

Social wellness encompasses building and maintaining positive relationships and being part of a strong community. Investing in relationships founded on shared goals, mutual understanding, and support can assist in boosting self-esteem and forming deeper connections. Spending time with family and friends, joining clubs or organizations, and reaching out to others can all contribute to social health.

Occupational Wellness

A large portion of our lives is spent at work, so our experience there has an effect on our complete well-being. Occupational wellness is achieved when we find enjoyment and fulfillment from our job and have the opportunity to progress and develop. Poor occupational wellness can lead to decreased morale and productivity, as well as elevated stress levels.

Financial Wellness

Though financial wellness is not included in the NWI's holistic wellbeing model, many wellness specialists believe it is a vital element of holistic health. A survey conducted in 2020 found that economic stress was related to decreased motivation, morale, and productivity, as well as heightened stress levels. Individuals with financial wellness are more likely to have higher self-respect and better control over their financial life.

Best Practices for Achieving Holistic Wellness

As there is no one-size-fits-all solution to holistic wellness, it is important to be mindful and sympathetic when developing an all-inclusive way to wellbeing. The following practices can be a great place to start for achieving holistic wellness:

  • Incorporating rest into your day - incorporate all seven types of rest and spend time doing activities that refill you spiritually and artistically.
  • Working with a coach - find out help from a wellness practitioner, therapist, or coach to gain knowledge into what transformations will make the biggest impact on your overall health.
  • Understanding the connection between physical and mental wellbeing - taking care of your body by getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and proper nutrition can significantly enhance your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Making time for self-care - holistic wellness practices, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, and mindfulness, can help nurture the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Investing in relationships - investing in relationships dependent on mutual respect, support, and shared objectives can help build self-esteem and cultivate understanding.

At the end of the day, holistic wellness is about understanding the impact of each aspect of health and how they intersect. A holistic approach to wellbeing encourages increased mental, physical, and emotional health and provides greater balance to life. Taking the time to focus on yourself and your well-being can result in a happier, healthier you.

Prioritizing Holistic Wellness for Improved Happiness

Making time for fun is essential for preserving our creativity and resourcefulness. Holistic wellness is about understanding the complexities of life and living it to the fullest by focusing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Although we may be skeptical of things that could contribute to our wellbeing, it is worth a try if it can make us feel better.

Juggling work, personal relationships, and professional development can make it difficult to prioritize fun, but it is important to ensure you make time for it. Time spent purely for pleasure can help revive your creativity and resourcefulness and, ultimately, make you more productive in work. Moreover, building meaningful relationships with those around us can also lead to better overall wellbeing.

Strategies to Increase Wellbeing and Happiness at Work

  • Be open and honest with the people in your life. Don't be afraid to share your feelings and struggles with them.
  • Make a conscious effort to stay in contact with friends, family, and colleagues. Having connections with people you trust can provide emotional support.
  • Schedule in moments of mindfulness throughout the day. When you get the chance, take a break to focus on your breath or take a few minutes of silence.

Living our happiest and healthiest life can be challenging in our busy times, but making it a priority to prioritize holistic wellness is key. Doing things just for the sake of enjoyment can make all the difference in our productivity and creativity. With the help of our loved ones, we can become our best selves.

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