Personal Development
Be your own champion: 10 tips to control your mind

Be your own champion: 10 tips to control your mind

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How to Take Control of Your Mind and Thrive

It can often feel like your thoughts are out of control, with so many of them speeding and whirling through your mind each day. But it is possible to learn how to control your mind, reducing the unwanted, negative thoughts and replacing them with more productive, positive thinking. As well as enhancing your emotional wellbeing and helping you to stay in the present moment, this practice has been proven to improve both physical health and self-confidence. So, how can you take control of your mind? Here is a guide to help get you started.

14 Tips For Taking Control of Your Mind

  • Practice mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Include positive affirmations in your self-talk rather than put-downs.
  • Take regular time-outs throughout the day to slow your mind down.
  • Minimize your exposure to things that trigger negative thoughts, such as scrolling through social media.
  • Use self-evaluating questions to help you troubleshoot situations.
  • Work on developing self-awareness to identify patterns that cause unwanted thoughts, such as rumination or a negative attitude.
  • Challenge your inner critic and work to change your attitude to be more positive.
  • Make sure that you take enough rest and downtime to let your mind recover.
  • Journal your thoughts as a way to let them out and express your feelings.
  • Talk to a therapist, life coach, or a trusted friend and loved one for additional support.
  • Learn that it is alright to acknowledge your thoughts, but let go of the ones that do not serve you.
  • Try to avoid spending time with negative, pessimistic people.
  • Practice positive visualization when you feel overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts.
  • Distract yourself when a negative thought appears, by talking to a friend, watching a film, or going for a walk.

Having control of your mind is essential for achieving both short-term and long-term goals. When our mind is under attack from our own negative thoughts, it can be hard to have confidence and motivation to pursue our goals. What we focus on affects on our lives � if we can learn to ignore negative thoughts, we can make strides towards a more positive and productive mindset. By learning how to regulate our emotions, we can manage our actions and find balance between mind, body, and soul. Research suggests that mindfulness meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

It can sometimes be daunting to challenge our unwanted thoughts and put in the hard work necessary to rid of them, but being brave and taking control now will make room for healthier and more positive thinking in the future. You have the power to decide what thoughts are allowed into your mind and how you interact with them. So when you're in any situations, take the time to remember that you are in control � and that you deserve to be.

Clearing Your Mind - How Shiken Can Help You Thrive

Shiken is designed to help you identify and release any unwanted thoughts that could be interfering with your emotional wellbeing, as well as replace them with positive, healthier thinking. Read on as we explore five ways to purposefully achieve a more positive mindset.

It can be incredibly difficult to pull our thoughts away from the negative and often unhelpful ones that come to us when we're feeling overwhelmed � often leading to cycles of self-doubt and criticism which spirals our thinking out of control. Positive thinking is an effective way to break this cycle, and though it may seem simple, it does require some effort to master.

Benefits of Positive Thinking & Protection of Mental Health

Positive thinking can be a powerful tool to help us reframe our outlook on life, and ultimately lead to better mental wellness. Practicing positive affirmations such as �I am strong� or �I am capable� can help to rewire our brains for a more positive attitude. Mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises are also key components of developing positive thinking and can help us to become more aware of our inner state.

Mental well-being is an important part of our overall well-being and taking a pause to reflect on our thoughts and feelings is a great way to identify when negative thoughts are starting to take over. Asking ourselves questions such as �How am I feeling right now?� or �What triggers these negative thoughts?� can be helpful in recognizing our own psychology and allowing us to become aware of the underlying causes of our outlook.

Five Ways to Clear Your Mind

Once we have acknowledged and accepted our thoughts and feelings, it can become much easier to let them go. Here are some helpful tips to help you clear your mind and start thinking positively:

  • Practice positive thinking by reframing your thoughts and focusing on the positive elements of any given situation.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Utilize positive affirmations like �I am strong� or �I am capable�.
  • Take a pause and reflect on your thoughts and feelings.
  • Ask yourself questions like �How am I feeling right now?� or �What triggers these negative thoughts?�.
  • Acknowledging and accepting your thoughts and feelings.
  • Push away the negative thoughts and make room for more positive thinking.

Although it may take some practice, taking the time to become aware of your inner state and actively practice positive thinking can be immensely beneficial in protecting your mental health and allowing your overall wellbeing to thrive.

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