Reduce content creation time by 70%. With or without AI.
Create courses, microlearning quizzes, notes and more in minutes then auto-translate with the click of a button.
AI-Powered Content Authoring
Upload any document, add a link or your custom prompt and generate microlearning quizzes, courses, documents, blogs and more in 1-click.
Knowledge Assistants
Build custom knowledge assistants trained on your data. Get instant answers to any question, search content dynamically and automate repetitive tasks.
AI Roleplays
Generate freeform scenario-based learning role plays in minutes. Set a language, choose a voice and then upskill your people.
Shiken's AI-powered text editor helps you write, edit, and cite with confidence. Generate internal documentation, take notes or create blog posts in a single click.
Boost engagement by 6 - 10x with bite-sized upskilling
Onboard, upskill and ramp your 3 - 5x faster while making learning relevant and engaging.
Interactive Learning Experiences
Boost engagement with multiple microlearning formats including quizzes, roleplays, video shorts and more aligned to skills taxonomies and work roles.
Personalized Learning Paths
Set goals and let our AI can analyze your learning habits, strengths, and weaknesses to tailor a customized learning path just for you.
1-1 AI-Assisted Coaching
Upskilling isn't about more content it's about relevant, skills-based, personalised training. Give your people access to 1-1 AI coaching with Shiken Chat.
Voice Narration
Take skill development to the next level with narrated mindful visualization exercises. Improve accessibility with voice narration and translation of lessons, quizzes and book summaries.
Access content on any device with 1-click.
Collaborate on content then export or embed anywhere. Connect our Knowledge Assistant to slack or whatsapp.
Custom Assistant For Your Website
Add a no-code knowledge assistant securely trained on your data to any website with a simple embed code for just-in-time training and on-demand coaching.
Share Content Anywhere
Invite your people to groups, live games, challenges, assessments and documents without the need to login or download an app.
Connect Your Domain
Use Shiken's LMS/LXP functionality and build your own landing page or learning portal then share to a custom domain outside of Shiken.
Identify skills gaps, check progress and set assessments.
Go beyond compliance and use AI to conversationally identify trends, analyze feedback and visualize data.
Learner Analytics
Learners receive personalized feedback on their performance and wellbeing.
Identify Skill Gaps
Use our conversational AI to understand what learners are searching for, where they are struggling and what content needs enhancing.
Adaptive Assessments
Whether it's roleplays, quizzes or free text responses our AI can anlyse voice data, qualitative data and data beyond simple completions.
Shiken Enterprise
Need AI for all your people and collaborate with your entire team?
Book a demo
Unlimited AI
No need to worry about usage restrictions and quotas – create as much content and use our AI tools as your organisation needs.
SOC 2 & ISO27001 compliant
Security is core to everything we do, from how we develop the product to how we treat customer data.
Personalized onboarding
A dedicated Customer Success Manager will guide you through a personalized onboarding process and map Shiken to you.
Ethical use of AI
AI safety is a big part of our mission. We aim to amplify people’s capabilities, never to replace them.

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Upskill Your People
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