Personal Development
Bravery versus Courage: What Is the Difference?

Bravery versus Courage: What Is the Difference?

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Bravery Versus Courage - What Is The Difference?

Understanding the distinction between bravery and courage can often be a difficult concept to grasp. However, recognizing these differences can provide us with helpful insights in various aspects of life, including the workplace. In order to understand the definitions of both bravery and courage, the historical origins of each word, and how they can be applied in the professional sphere, this article will cover these topics in detail. Additionally, an emphasis on the importance of mindfulness will be made in relation to bravery and courage.

Defining Bravery

The term �bravery� has its roots in the 15th century when it was derived from the Italian word, �bravo�, which literally translates to �bold�. An example of bravery could be a soldier who is unafraid to rush into battle, despite the potential risk posed to them. A more relatable instance of bravery could be a child who is willing to face a dare handed out by their peers, such as touching a spider. Brave acts require an individual to overlook the potential negative consequences that could come from their decisions and instead act with confidence.

Exploring Courage

Courage is different from bravery in that it is seen as a virtue or character trait. While bravery requires a lack of fear, courage entails being conscious of the fact that a situation may be daunting yet still persisting in the same course of action regardless. Courage is often seen as a deliberate decision made from higher emotions such as love, compassion, or concern. To aid in understanding the difference between bravery and courage, a noteworthy quote is �To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage.�- Steve Maraboli.

Contrasting Bravery and Courage

The main contrast between these two qualities is that one necessitates a more impulsive approach with assurance, while the other is operated with full understanding of the dangers involved, but still undertaken. Exercising bravery is usually a sign of strength and requires minimal thought. Conversely, courage involves being aware of the risk, yet pressing forward with a mindset that is greater than ourselves. Notable examples of courageous individuals include Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi, who acted with a set of ideals and values regardless of the possible adverse effects.

Bravery and Courage in the Workplace

Bravery and courage can be used in various ways in the workplace. Generally, these concepts are used more in mental capacities rather than physical ones. Being brave and initiating certain tasks can be beneficial in the office, especially when it comes to overcoming procrastination. Courage can be beneficial in scenarios where someone is aware that failure may be the result, yet they still take action because they believe it is the right path to follow.

Importance of Mindfulness

When analyzing bravery and courage, it is important to take into account mindfulness and its effects on making decisions and taking action. Being mindful involves the awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and environment without judgment. From this perspective, we can observe life without being so impulsive and instead possess more control over our reactions. Mindfulness can allow us to take part in brave and courageous acts with intention instead of impulsivity.

  • Bravery requires a lack of fear and a strong level of confidence.
  • Courage involves being aware of potential danger or difficulty but undertaking the action regardless.
  • At work, bravery and courage can be used in more mental capacities, such as taking initiative.
  • Mindfulness can help us to engage in brave and courageous acts with intention rather than without thought.


Brave people are quick to take on a challenge, while courageous people are willing to face the results of their decisions regardless of the outcome. Both bravery and courage are essential life-tools and a mindful mindset can be especially advantageous in relation to fear and danger. Mindfulness assists individuals in staying grounded and empowered when faced with difficulties, enabling them to take on tough situations with clarity, focus, and courage.

Bravery vs Courage: Knowing When to Pause and Reflect

Sometimes, you may need to summon the courage to do something bold. Whether it's making a call to a potential sales lead or asking for a promotion, it's important not to let fear stand in your way. But there is a difference betweenBrave acts are usually impulsive and require no real thought, while courageous acts involve being mindful of the risks involved.

In the workplace, courage is often required in difficult situations. It takes moral courage to stand up for what is right, like intervening when you witness a coworker being discriminated against or reporting an unethical practice. You may need to navigate difficult conversations with your employer, such as advocating for better working conditions or forming a union.

The Benefits of Taking Time to Pause and Reflect

When faced with crucial life decisions, it is beneficial to take a moment to pause and reflect. Doing so allows you to gain insight from your own perspective, and consider all the possible outcomes of your decision. It is important to remember that your choices may have consequences, and reflection can help you remain aware of them.

Pausing and reflecting can also help keep you stick to your values and beliefs. By taking the time to consider your convictions, you can make decisions that are in line with your principles and ultimately have the courage to remain true to yourself.

Though it can be difficult to pause amidst a moment of turmoil, the benefits of doing so are evident. Taking the time to reflect is a key step to making conscious, informed decisions, and ultimately having the courage to move forward.

Reflecting on Important Decisions

Making decisions can be difficult. It can be challenging to take the time to pause and reflect when there's pressure to act quickly and decisively. However, taking the time to ask ourselves how we want to handle a situation, considering our motivations, and getting centered can help us arrive at decisions that are more closely aligned with our values and beliefs.

Advantages of Reflection

Being mindful of our decisions and slowing down can help us better understand the potential consequences of our choices. Reflection also allows us to stay true to our values and beliefs. Taking a brief moment to get centered can give us the courage to remain true to ourselves and pursue the life we want.

Benefits of Reflection

  • Gaining insight into the potential consequences of our decisions.
  • Remaining true to our values and beliefs.
  • Harnessing the courage to remain true to ourselves.
  • Arriving at decisions that are closely aligned with our values and beliefs.

Reflection is an invaluable tool which can be applied to many aspects of our lives. When making important decisions, taking a moment to pause and consider our motivations can lead to more informed and aligned choices. With the insight and courage gained from reflection, we can confidently pursue the life we desire.

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