Personal Development
45 Company Core Values Examples and Steps to Identify ...

45 Company Core Values Examples and Steps to Identify ...

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The Benefits Of Establishing and Communicating Core Values In Your Organization

Your organization�s core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide all of your company�s decisions and actions. These values provide the key principles that help the company achieve its mission and goals, and it is essential to ensure that all stakeholders, from executives to front-line staff, are in agreement with the core values of the organization.

Establishing and effectively communicating core values to all team members helps to create a unified and cohesive organization and ensures that everyone is working towards the same end. Examples of core values that an organization may strive to embody include honesty, integrity, accountability, respect, collaboration, and excellence.

In coaching work, I often suggest that individuals explore their own personal core values early on in the process. By doing so, they gain clarity on what is important to them and can ensure that their goals and aspirations remain aligned with both the values of the company they work for and their own personal values. When employees feel that their personal and company values are in line, they are likely to experience a greater sense of fulfillment and sense of belonging.

It is important to note that everyone has a different set of core values. Think of them as your 'North Star' - a guiding light through difficult times and major decisions, representing what is most important to you as an individual and the principles that you choose to adhere to.

The Impact Of Core Values On A Company

Company core values are equally important, as they guide both crucial actions and behaviours within the organization and the external customer service the company provides. Core values inform the internal culture of the organization, its hiring practices and product ideation. Therefore, it is essential that core values be visible in every aspect of the company, from operations and sales and marketing to HR processes.

  • Gallup has identified a number of criteria to consider when deciding on organizational core values:
  • The values should resonate with teams,
  • Be exemplified by leadership,
  • Be easy to understand,
  • Be relevant to employees' day-to-day,
  • Resonate with customers,
  • Be easy to identify in employees and leadership.

It is also important to remember that core values should be reviewed periodically, as industries, markets and environments change quickly. Reviews of core values enable the organization to make sure that there is continued alignment between the stated core values, actions and behaviours.

Differentiating Between Core Values and Aspirational Values

As many corporations have jumped on the core values bandwagon, people often confuse core values with aspirational values. Core values are inherent, sacrosanct and cannot be compromised for convenience or short-term economic gain, typically reflecting the values of the company's founders. Aspirational values, on the other hand, are those values that the company needs to achieve its business goals, but currently does not possess. These values can be developed to support new strategies, new markets, or to satisfy new regulatory requirements.

To distinguish between a core value and an aspirational value, ask yourself whether the company as an entire ecosystem already exhibits the behaviour or adheres to the principle. If yes, then it is a core value. If not, it is an aspirational value. Using aspirational values instead of core values can be alienating to people in the company.

What Are Core Values and How Are They Used in the Corporate Sphere?

Core values are the fundamental beliefs or principles that form the basis of a company's culture. They offer a guide for decisions, help to shape the company's vision, and create consistency for employees and customers. Let's take a look at some real-world examples of how companies use core values and explore the steps you can take to create and communicate your own.

Real-life Examples of Corporate Core Values

Core values provide the foundation for a company's culture, so it is no surprise that many businesses have taken the time to define and document their core values. Some of the real-life examples of companies and their core values include Netflix, Apple, and Google.


Netflix values 'people over process.' Among their corporate values are judgment, communication, curiosity, courage, passion, selflessness, innovation, inclusion, integrity, and impact. Each value is explained in detail, so employees can easily understand what they should strive for. For example, the value of communication means one should be able to communicate concisely, articulate themselves correctly, listen well, and provide helpful and timely feedback to colleagues.


Apple's core values include accessibility, education, environment, inclusion and diversity, privacy, and supplier responsibility. The company takes these values seriously and outlines that they are carbon neutral and striving for their products to also be carbon neutral by 2030. They also make a distinction between their corporate and aspirational values.


Google's values statement is known as "Ten Things We Know To Be True." It emphasizes the user, speed, democracy on the web, making money without doing evil, the need for cross-border information, being serious without a suit, and exceeding expectations.

Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry's core values focus on advancing human rights and dignity, supporting social and economic justice for historically marginalized communities, and protecting and restoring the Earth's natural systems.


Adidas' core values are confidence, collaboration, and creativity.

Creating Your Own Core Values

It's never too late to define a company's core values. While the process may differ depending on the size and structure of the organization, the steps remain the same. Assign who is in charge and get commitment from the executive leadership team, C-suite, or co-founders. Then draw inspiration from other companies, take input from everyone, make it clear, get internal feedback, and create a new company culture. It is essential to review the values regularly to see if they still resonate and if all processes in the organization are aligned with them.

Communicating Your Organization's Core Values

The best way to communicate organizational core values will depend on the stage at which you are establishing the company values and the size and structure of the workforce. It is important to use a variety of channels to reach out to employees, such as emails, the company website, social media, posters, and flyers. You can also hold all-hands and company-wide meetings, create a company newsletter, use a company messenger (e.g., Slack), and send out emails. It is important to ensure that all employees know and understand the company's core values.

Examples of Corporate Core Values Best Practices

There are some things to keep in mind when creating and communicating your company core values. For new hires, explain the values during onboarding and the interview and hiring process. Provide ongoing reference and updates through documents, such as an employee handbook, office murals or printed posters, and the company website. Finally, emphasize the values by giving examples of employees living up to them in their daily work.

Defining Your Organizational Core Values for Team Communication

Organizational core values are necessary for guiding decision making in the corporate world, and for companies to share their beliefs with employees, clients, and stakeholders. Use this guide to determine and share your values with your teams.

When you are creating a set of core values, it is important to ensure that they are original and rooted in spiritual wellbeing. Spiritual wellbeing is beneficial in enabling creativity and resourcefulness, which will help when making decisions that align with your values and morals. For some inspiration, here are some personal values examples:

  • Key skills that set your business and you apart
  • Discovering your personal values in 5 steps
  • The formation of personal values
  • Recognizing work values and the meaning behind them
  • Incorporating family values that align with your own
  • The Golden Circle and how it brightens communication

Once you have chosen the values that are most vital to your business, it is time to share them. This can be done through language, a company mission statement, and company culture. Pay close attention to the language you use, as it has the power to influence company culture. Developing an effective mission statement is a great way to link and communicate your values to the team.

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