Personal Development
7 Types of Rest (Because You Need More Rest in Your Life

7 Types of Rest (Because You Need More Rest in Your Life

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What is Restorative Rest and Why is it Important?

We�ve all had those days when we just want to crash on the couch or crawl into bed after a long week. We feel drained and nothing seems to help�not even more sleep. It turns out that sleep is only one type of rest, and it's not enough. According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, there are seven types of rest in total. Rest is �the most underused, chemical-free, safe, and effective alternative therapy available to us,� she says in her viral Ted Talk.

Rest is essential, and not just for physical recovery. When we use self-control it takes up a lot of glucose, meaning we need to replenish it like we would after physical exertion. The brain is most efficient when it is allowed to alternate between periods of focus and unfocus, so taking regular breaks can help improve productivity, memory, and problem-solving skills.

7 Types of Rest and How to Achieve Them

The seven types of rest recommended by Dr. Dalton-Smith are creative rest, restorative rest, physical rest, emotional rest, intellectual rest, social rest, and spiritual rest. Here�s an overview of these kinds of rest, and how to incorporate them into your life.

Creative Rest

Creative rest is when you�re uninspired and out of ideas. It can be hard to recover when we need to think creatively for our jobs, or if we�re working in a �side hustle� economy. Here are some ways to get creative rest:

  • Take a break - Sit down, turn off your technology, and just reflect for a while.
  • Get out into nature - Take a walk in the park or go for a hike.
  • Listen to music - Put on some ambient tunes and allow yourself to drift away.
  • Go for a drive - Get in your car and explore. The open road can be very restorative.

Restorative Rest

Restorative rest is the most common type of rest. It�s the kind of rest that gives us the energy to take on the next task. Ways to get restorative rest include exercising, meditating, and getting enough sleep. Exercising can help improve sleep quality, while meditating can help restore balance to mental and physical energy.

Making Rest a Priority

It can be hard to make time for rest, especially when we feel like we have too much work to do. But research shows that it�s actually more productive to work less, not more. If we don't prioritize rest, our teams can become prone to burnout and high turnover. Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, a Silicon Valley consultant and researcher, defines �inner work� as the balance between work and rest in his book, Rest- Why You Get More Done When You Work Less.

Making rest a priority in our lives is essential for our mental and physical well being. It allows us to recharge and be more productive, creative, and efficient in our work.

Rest Is Essential for Optimal Wellness

Taking some time for rest is essential for optimal wellness. It can be hard to find time to rest in our busy lives, so taking some time for yourself is a must. Rest can be in the form of physical, psychological, or mental. Each kind of rest presents unique benefits that can help you to live a healthier and more fulfilled life.

Psychological Rest

Psychological rest is about taking a break from the negative emotions that can come with life. It�s about taking time to process and integrate our experiences and feelings. This kind of rest allows us to reflect on our lives and develop a better understanding of ourselves.

Ways to get psychological rest:

  • Take a break from news and social media - Avoiding information overload can be restorative for the mind and soul.
  • Write it out - Journalling is a great way to make sense of our feelings and thoughts.
  • Talk it out - Talking to a friend or therapist can help us to process our thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.
  • Engage in creative activities - Doing something creative, like painting, drawing, or writing, can help to release emotional buildup.
  • Do something just for fun - What would you make if you didn't have to sell or share it? Making something for yourself simply for funcan be an immensely rewarding experience.

Physical Rest

Physical rest is about giving our bodies a break from the physical activities of our daily lives. This kind of rest allows us to regenerate and recharge our bodies so we can feel physically refreshed.

Ways to get physical rest:

  • Move slowly - Instead of pushing yourself to complete activities quickly, try to move with intention and take your time.
  • Stretch - Take a few minutes to stretch and move your body. It doesn't have to be complicated or strenuous.
  • Take a warm bath - Soaking in a hot bath can help to relax the body and reduce muscle tension.
  • Get a massage - Massages can be incredibly restorative for the body. They can help to reduce stress and improve circulation.

Mental Rest

Mental rest is the kind of rest that allows us to step away from the mental demands of our lives. It's about giving our minds a break from the constant stimulation and overthinking that can come with the stress of modern life.

Ways to get mental rest:

  • Go for a walk - Take a walk in nature and just take in the sights, smells, and sounds.
  • Take a break from screens - Take a break from looking at screens and do something with your hands, like knitting or woodworking.
  • Visit a museum or get together with friends who inspire you - Immersing yourself in other people's creativity can be an enriching experience.
  • Take short breaks throughout the day - Set a timer to remind yourself to step back, take a few deep breaths, and create some space in your brain by writing down your thoughts on a notepad or in a journal.
  • Put devices away an hour before bed - Disconnecting from technology before bed can help aid in relaxation and ensure adequate quality sleep.
  • Utilize both passive and active physical rest - Passive physical rest is time spent asleep, including napping, while active physical rest is any activity that improves our physical well-being, such as massage, exercise, stretching, or yoga.
  • Track your sleep schedule - Using an app or fitness tracker can help you keep track of your sleep schedule and quality.

Rest is essential for our well-being, so taking the time to unplug from technology, take a nap, or engage in restful activities is a must. By taking breaks and engaging in activities that help to restore our mental, physical, and psychological health, we can lead better and more fulfilling lives.

Holistic Wellness: How to Incorporate Rest Into Your Daily Routine

Being able to incorporate rest into our daily routines is essential for our holistic wellbeing. Rest isn't just about sleep, but about developing balance across physical, social, emotional, sensory, and spiritual aspects of our lives. Here are some tips for getting rest in each of these areas, as well as 4 tips for scheduling rest into your work day.

Physical Rest

Physical rest involves doing activities that replenish the body and mind. Incorporating mild exercise into your routine at least three times weekly, in addition to professional self-care treatments like massage, chiropractic work, or acupuncture can be extremely beneficial.

Social Rest

We all need time to ourselves, but managing our energy is all about finding the right balance between relationships that drain us and those that nourish and inspire us. It's important not to judge your balance based on anyone else's habits and instead focus on your own social needs and preferences. Saying no to invitations, changing up your hangouts, leaving your device in your pocket, and limiting group size when spending time with friends can all help to get social rest.

Emotional Rest

We often get irritable or overwhelmed in times of stress, so it's important to know when to take a step back. Setting effective boundaries, taking a 'yes' break, and sharing how we're feeling in a safe space are all important steps to getting emotional rest. Additionally, practicing mindfulness can help us to sit with difficult emotions.

Sensory Rest

Sensory overload can come from digital devices, but also from ambient noises, bright lights, traffic, and people talking. Taking a digital detox or meditation can help us to notice and not be swept away by external stimuli. Sensory deprivation therapies like float tanks can also be useful for a full reset.

Spiritual Rest

It's easy to feel disconnected from the world, and spiritual rest helps us to find a sense of purpose and belonging. Reaching out to people who make us feel good about ourselves, practicing gratitude, and meditating can all help to get spiritual rest.

4 Tips for Scheduling Rest into Your Work Day

It's not enough to just pile it all on at the end of the day, so here are some tips for making different types of rest a part of your day:

  • Use technology to your advantage � there are a number of apps that help tune out distractions, set reminders, or time breaks.
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day � this will help keep you energized and focused.
  • Set regular work hours � make it a priority to end your work day at a set time each day.
  • Make rest part of your self-care routine � take time each day to practice yoga, listen to music, or engage in activities that make you feel good.

Ways to Get Spiritual Rest

Getting spiritual rest plays an important role in holistic wellness:

  • Join a spiritual community, faith-based organization, or group that aligns with your interests.
  • Volunteer for a cause that's personally meaningful to you.
  • Work with a coach or mentor to reconnect your short-term goals to the bigger picture.

Enhancing Your Work-Life Balance Through Rest and Relaxation

Work-life balance can be difficult to achieve, especially when you work from home. To ensure that you aren�t overworking, it�s important to create a �hard stop� at the end of the day, and to break out of your work routine with something that shifts your focus. Taking the time to rest and relax is essential for not only your lifestyle, but also your productivity.

Bundled Types of Rest

When taking time off, it�s important to be intentional and creative about how you�re spending it. Combining different types of rest can be a great way to maximize your downtime, such as taking a walk on the beach with a friend or volunteering. Doing these activities can give you a mental, spiritual, physical, and creative boost.

Resting Early and Often

Rather than waiting until you�re exhausted to start filling your tank, plan short breaks throughout the day. Giving yourself a buffer between activities and meetings can also help you avoid emotional and physical overwhelm. By embracing the idea that being busy doesn�t necessarily equal productivity, you can integrate rest into your day without feeling guilty.

Understanding and Dealing with Sensory Overload

Sensory overload occurs when we experience too much auditory, visual, physical, or mental stimulation. When we become overwhelmed, we can follow some steps to help cope and relax. Taking a deep breath, getting away from a situation, venting feelings, and having a plan of action ready can all be ways to manage sensory overload. Additionally, making sure you�re getting enough sleep, drinking tea, and taking a warm shower all contribute towards equilibrium.

Positive Behaviors and Negative Reinforcement

Contrary to what its title may suggest, negative reinforcement doesn�t involve punishment; instead, it refers to the practice of motivating positive behaviors by removing something unpleasant. Identifying the behaviors and activities that you want to increase or reinforce, observing triggers, and rewarding yourself for desired behavior are all ways to use negative reinforcement to increase positive behaviors.

Types of Listening That Can Change Your Life and Work

Listening is an important part of communication that not only helps us understand each other, but also builds relationships. There are seven types of listening that can be helpful in different situations, such as active listening, compassionate listening, and scrutinizing listening. Learning to identify which type of listening you need in different circumstances can help you make the most of your conversations.

The Different Types of Listening

Listening is one of the most important factors in any relationship. It is essential to understand the different types of listening and be able to apply them in different situtations in order to be a better listener and build stronger relationships.

  • Exploring Listening - This type of listening includes asking questions and seeking out more information.
  • Learning Listening - With this type of listening, one should actively engage and attempt to learn something new.
  • Responsive Listening - Being a responsive listener involves actively engaging with the speaker and providing an appropriate response.
  • Empathic Listening - This type of listening focuses on the speaker's perspective, in an effort to gain a better understanding of their point of view.

Boosting Energy and Motivation

Being able to sustain a high level of energy and motivation is essential for success. Here are a few tips to help increase your energy and motivation:

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Fuel your body with a healthy breakfast.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Incorporate regular exercise into your routine.
  • Take a few short breaks throughout the day.
  • Plan ahead for the next day.
  • Set achievable goals.
  • Allow yourself to have leisure time.
  • Listen to music or express yourself creatively.
  • Engage yourself in conversations about topics you are passionate about.
  • Let go of things that do not serve you.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Take deep breaths when feeling overwhelmed.
  • Focus on one thing at a time.
  • Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Avoid multitasking.
  • Notice how your body feels.
  • Take a minute to reflect and learn from your experiences.
  • Appreciate your surroundings.

Focusing on your energy and motivation levels can lead to a more productive day and ultimately a more successful life. Implementing these tips can help boost your energy and motivation and keep you on the path to success.

3 Reasons Boredom Is Good

Although being bored can be uncomfortable, there are a few reasons why boredom can be beneficial. Here are three reasons why boredom can be a positive thing:

  • Boredom can lead to creativity. Without being bored, you may not be pushed to explore new ideas.
  • It can help you relax and take a break. Taking a break from constantly being active can help you recharge and refresh your mind.
  • It can help you connect with yourself. Boredom can encourage self exploration and help you reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

Boredom can actually have some positive effects. Embrace the moments of boredom in your life and use them to explore, relax, and connect with yourself.

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