Personal Development
How to Be More Patient: 15 Tips - Shiken

How to Be More Patient: 15 Tips - Shiken

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Patience: The Cornerstone of Mental Wellbeing

Patience is an integral part of our mental wellbeing and is, unfortunately, a quality that can be hard to come by in this day and age. With the rise of modern technology, we are becoming increasingly exposed to the instant gratification of social media and online services, which can lead to greater levels of stress and anxiety. This can have a direct impact on our ability to be patient, manifesting in frustrating situations such as long lines, traffic jams or difficult interactions with family members.

In such moments, maintaining a positive outlook and cultivating patience can be difficult, but it's important to remember that the root cause of the underlying issue must be understood in order to achieve this. Despite the feelings of impatience and frustration that can arise from these situations, it is vital to recognize the adverse effects that our lack of patience can have upon our mental and physical health.

Developing Patience

Increasing and developing our level of patience is something that we all need to do in order to ensure our renewed mental wellbeing. Here are a few tips to help you learn how to be more patient and how to control your reactions better:

  • Re-framing the issue: When confronted with a difficult scenario, it is important to take a step back and objectively analyse the root of the problem and re-frame it in a more positive light. Doing so can help you manage your reactions better and potentially lead to better outcomes.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Developing a practice of mindfulness can help you to better identify, name and manage your emotions. By taking a few moments to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, you can begin to view the situation from a clearer perspective.
  • Express Gratitude: Expressing gratitude and being thankful for things we have can help us to remain calm and make more informed decisions. Whenever you feel yourself becoming frustrated or impatient, take a moment to think of something that you are thankful for and it can help to reduce your stress and aid in better decision making in the long run.

Ultimately, it is crucial to remember that patience is something that needs to be developed over time. By maintaining realistic goals and a balance between work and leisurely activities, we can set achievable goals and begin to enjoy the tangible benefits of being more patient.

Staying Accountable Without Losing Patience

While patience can be an important virtue, it can be essential to understand when our limit of patience is reached. In such situations, it is important to be assertive and stand your ground, without losing your temper. Doing so can not only help to hold people accountable for their actions, but it can also make you an even more benevolent leader.

Leading Your Team Without Aggression

Managing a team of employees does not have to mean sacrificing your patience and good behavior. With the right approach, you can lead your team effectively without becoming aggressive or irritable. Read on for some proactive and practical tips that will help you lead without aggression.

Set Clear Expectations

To lead your team well, it is essential to provide everyone with a clear understanding of what they are expected to do and how they should act. This means setting up one-on-one meetings with each member of your team to ensure that they are on the same page. It is also good practice to use the same rules and standards for everyone on the team and remain consistent in how you apply them. Additionally, have a paper trail such as electronic mail to use as evidence of your expectations and accountability.

Provide Positive Feedback

Every team needs positive reinforcement and feedback in order to stay motivated and engaged. Offer positive criticism and recognition when someone does a good job, and be open to hearing feedback from team members. When necessary, create clear consequences for sub-par performance and behavior.

Practice Patience and Self-Control

Having patience and regulating your emotions is an essential part of personal growth. To better yourself and your life, try practicing the following 15 tips on a regular basis:

  • Start small and focus on the context. Deep breathing and counting to 10 can help you stay present and manage your emotions in difficult situations.
  • Connect with family and friends for emotional support and different perspectives.
  • Keep track of your heart rate to make sure you don't let your emotions take over.
  • Practice positive thinking by looking for solutions instead of focusing on the negatives.
  • Reduce technology-induced stress by limiting daily technology use and tracking your activity.
  • Stay physically active to reduce stress levels.
  • Spend time outdoors for a calmer and more grounded feeling.
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate you and make you feel good.
  • Learn how to say "no" when needed without feeling guilty.
  • Prioritize self-care and relaxation activities.
  • Cultivate new hobbies and interests.
  • Practice gratitude and focus on what you have instead of what you don't have.
  • Address the root causes of your impatience and practice mindful breathing.
  • Forgive yourself for your shortcomings.
  • Express yourself via journaling.

Remember that patience is a key component of self-control, emotional regulation, and personal growth. With the right approach and attitude, you can lead your team without becoming aggressive or irritable.

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