Personal Development
How to Write an Achievable 5 Year Plan (Template and 2 ...

How to Write an Achievable 5 Year Plan (Template and 2 ...

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Creating a Successful Five-Year Plan

Creating a 5-year plan is an effective way to stay motivated and reach the goals you have for yourself. Examples of goals that can be included in a 5-year plan are starting a business, becoming certified, developing expertise, competing in an event, having a child or taking a big trip. In addition to having a starting point for a career, start-up idea or personal goal, it is important to stay focused and aligned with your ambitions, as this plan will serve as a consistent reminder of what you want to achieve and the steps to get there.

Elements to Include in a Five-Year Plan

Begin by visualizing your life in five years and writing down everything that comes to your mind. When making this plan, it is essential to have clear, measurable, time-bound and HARD (Heartfelt, Animated, Required, and Difficult) goals. According to a 2020 study, individuals are more likely to love their jobs when they set HARD goals as opposed to SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound). Once each goal is written down, you should establish a plan of action to help you achieve each individual goal. Break down each goal into smaller tasks and assign reasonable deadlines. Put your plan into action and prioritize your goals. Make sure to complete something each day that is related to your five-year plan. Also, don't be afraid to reach out to individuals who can help you reach your goals.

Example Five-Year Goals

  • Long-term Goal: Buy a bigger house - Smaller goal: Set aside a certain amount of money each month to go toward a home loan.
  • Long-term Goal: Become a certified nurse - Smaller goal: Find the best nursing program in the area or apply for a student loan.
  • Long-term Goal: Open a restaurant - Smaller Goal: Research restaurant loan and grant options, investigate real estate options, undertake classes on restaurant management.

Creating a plan for the next five years is an excellent way to create the life you envision for yourself. A thought-out plan should help you stay motivated and take actionable steps towards achieving your goals. It is important to remember that the journey is unpredictable and you should always remain flexible and open to making changes as needed. Consider the examples provided and make your journey to your five-year plan a success!

Creating a Five-Year Plan: Six Easy Steps

Creating a plan for the future doesn't have to be daunting. Ignoring fears, doubts or negative emotions is key here. Follow the six steps outlined below to create a comprehensive five-year plan that outlines your goals and objectives in the areas of health, relationships, finances, career, personal and spiritual growth and your environment.

Step 1: Setting Goals in All Categories

Start by setting goals for each category. In terms of your physical and mental health, consider the type of nutrition, mental fitness and physical health you want to have in five years. In regards to relationships, consider the types of personal and professional relationships you'd like to have. Additionally, think about the types of networking groups you'd like to join, trips you'd like to take or book clubs you'd like to start. Picture the type of relationship you'd like to have and include them as part of your plan.

Creating a 5 Year Plan

Creating a comprehensive five-year plan is a great way to see your dreams come to life. To ensure success, it is important to have a problem-solving process in place. Utilizing the following problem-solving strategies can help you streamline your plan of action and make progress towards your goals.

Step 1: Establishing Financial Goals

When creating financial goals, it is important to break them into various categories such as bills, flexible spending, emergency savings, educational savings, investments, and more. Additionally, consider increasing your 401(k) contributions, saving for higher education, or saving up for a big trip. Doing so will help to create a clearer picture of your ideal financial future.

Step 2: Identifying Career Goals

As the business world is ever-changing, it is important to focus on the types of activities that interest you, the kind of environment you'd like to work in, and the type of impact you�d like to make on a daily basis. If needed, take career assessments, make lists of various career paths, work with mentors, build your network, and consider creating your own job or business that aligns with your interests and passions.

Step 3: Consider Personal and Spiritual Growth

You should also consider personal and spiritual growth objectives. Think about starting a prayer or gratitude practice, working with a life coach or a career coach, or starting a home church. Make sure to include these types of goals in your plan.

Step 4: Visualizing Your Environment

Next, close your eyes and think about what your environment will look like in the next five years. Are you living in a tropical bungalow in Bali? Are you in a newly-decorated and renovated home? Or are you embracing minimalism with a smaller space? Allow yourself to start picturing your future environment.

Step 5: Determining Hobbies and Interests

Additionally, decide which hobbies and interests you want to pursue in the next five years. Will you snowboard each winter and surf each summer? Join a soccer league? Take on cooking or art classes? Figure out which hobbies are feasible for you and make sure to include them in your plan.

Step 6: Setting Meaningful Contributions

Finally, consider how you can make a meaningful contribution in the world. Will you volunteer for a vegetable co-op? Tutor kids on the weekends? Or buy groceries for a friend in need? Choose the contributions that are right for you and add them to your five-year plan.

Goal Setting Tips

When setting goals, remember that SMART goals are often beneficial. This acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Taking it a step further and setting HARD goals is also recommended. Though they may appear more difficult, they should give you a 50/50 chance of success and a true sense of accomplishment when you reach them.

Review and Adjust

Spend some time reviewing your plan and modifying it as needed. It is possible to add or switch up the categories in your plan. It is even a good idea to go back and read through your plan again after a few months. If things have changed, know that you don't have to start completely from scratch. Any progress you have made is still progress and should be recognized and celebrated.


Creating a comprehensive five-year plan allows you to take a look into the future and start working towards a brighter future. Also, remember to set goals in various categories such as health, relationships, finances, career, personal and spiritual growth, environment, and hobbies. Challenge yourself with goals that are more difficult so you will feel a real sense of accomplishment when reaching them. Finally, take time to review and adjust your plan as you work towards your goals. Good luck!

Making the Most of Your First Meeting with a New Team

The success of your first meeting with a new team can be determined by your level of planning. To help you make the most of the experience, here are some helpful tips and tools to consider.

Action Plan for Management

One of the most important strategies for effective project management is to create an action plan. This plan should include five key elements and provide the framework for successful outcomes.

Project Manager Skills

To excel in this role, project managers must have both hard and soft skills. Here are eight of the most important skills to develop:

  • Reliable communication
  • Organizational ability
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Conflict management
  • Negotiation
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management

Creating a Five-Year Plan

Creating a five-year plan requires disciplined goal-setting and considerable effort. It starts with discovering your ‘why' and breaking your goals into manageable pieces. Research is also necessary to determine the best path for success.

Reevaluating Your Plan

Your five-year plan may need to be reviewed and revised periodically. This is essential given the ever-changing nature of life. It's also important to remember that some goals may be completed at a faster rate than others.

Shiken: Your Partner in Professional Development

At Shiken, we are here to help you create a five-year plan and support you along the way. Our team is equipped to guide and assist you in researching the best paths to success and to make adjustments to your plan whenever necessary. Our ultimate goal is to see you take your career and life to the next level.

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