Personal Development
How to Answer, "Why Are You Interested in This Position?"

How to Answer, "Why Are You Interested in This Position?"

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How to Answer "Why Are You Interested in This Position?" in 5 Steps

The job interview process can be filled with strategic questions, but one stand-out question is "Why are you interested in this position?" This is a common job interview question with a lot of meaning for the hiring manager. It's one of those questions that either raises immediate red flags or gives the green light to move you forward. It's unique to you, and takes thoughtful planning and consideration.

The hiring manager wants to know how your work values align with the company's mission, why you're applying for this particular position, and how you can contribute to the organization's success. Plus, the hiring manager wants to see that you're motivated to work at this new job, as engaged and motivated employees have been linked with better quality of work, better customer experiences, lower burnout and better overall health.

5 Steps to Preparing an Answer

  • Assess Your Skills & Experience. Consider what you bring to the table and where your strengths lie. Show the hiring manager that you understand how your talents and background will benefit the company.
  • Research the Company. Make sure you're familiar with the company's mission and values, and explain why they're the right fit for you.
  • Plan & Practice. Take time to plan out your answer and practice before the interview. Pay attention to the questions asked and the company's position in the industry.
  • Be Specific. Stay away from vague answers. Demonstrate your passion for the job and show the hiring manager that you've done your research on the role.
  • Be Honest. In the end, it's important to be honest in your answer. Share your story and how you think you'll be able to contribute to the organization's success.

How to Answer the Question "Why Are You Interested in This Position?"

When you're asked "Why are you interested in this position?", it's important to be honest and give a compelling answer that outlines why you're the perfect candidate. Here's a guide on what mistakes to avoid and sample answers to help you craft the perfect response.

Be Honest

When asked why you're interested in the job, it's important to be honest. There's no need to hide your motivations, be it for the job perks, salary, or professional growth. Instead, focus on providing context and how you'd be a great fit.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When answering the question, many people make common mistakes that can hurt their chances of landing the job. The most important one is to not answer with "I need a job". This doesn't provide enough information about what makes this job the perfect fit for you.

It's also important to do your research. Not only does it show the hiring manager that you're serious about the job, but it also gives you more talking points to explain why you're the ideal candidate.

Sample Answers

Here are a few sample answers to help you craft the perfect response. Remember to customize each answer based on the job you're applying for.

  • I'm passionate about working in the [industry] industry and I believe this role at [company] is the perfect fit for my skills and experience. I'm particularly drawn to [company] because [reason] and I'm excited to contribute to its [goal].
  • I'm strongly invested in [company]'s mission to [mission] and I'm passionate about [topic]. This role is an amazing opportunity to use my skills and experience to make an impact and help the company reach its goals.
  • I've been following [company] for some time and I'm a big fan of [reason]. I think my skills and background are the perfect match for this position and I'm ready to take on the challenge and contribute to [goal].

Additional Tips

When responding to the question, make sure you stick to the facts and be passionate. Showcase your admiration for the company, be specific, and do your research. This will help you show the hiring manager why you're the right person for the job.

You can also highlight any commonalities or experiences. For example, if the company hosts a popular yearly run to raise money for cancer, you can talk about how you've been participating in it since your mother was diagnosed with cancer. This will demonstrate that you understand the organization's values and are passionate about their mission.

When responding, talk about the roles and how your current skills and values make you the best candidate. Explain why you're the perfect fit and how your past experiences have prepared you. If there are any managerial aspects to the role, bring that up as well and explain how it will help you become a better leader and employee in the future.

Lastly, don't be afraid to show your passion. This is your time to shine, so reflect on past experiences and talk excitedly about the potential future. Be your authentic self and let your passion come through.

Having a Positive Attitude

When job interviews arise, it's natural to feel a bit of tension. To make a good impression, smiling, making eye contact, and showing enthusiasm will help you remain positive. Furthermore, don't forget to give yourself permission to laugh when appropriate! Having an upbeat attitude is key to put yourself in a good light.


We've discussed many essential tips as well as mistakes to stay away from during the interview process. Lastly, here are a few light-hearted bits of advice to keep in mind when you answer the question of 'Why are you interested in this position?' Don't overlook the importance of smiling, making eye contact, and displaying your enthusiasm.

Bonus Resources

These additional resources should be of use as you go into the interview:

  • Discover the various sorts of interviews you may encounter, along with tips for the hiring process.
  • Be aware of biases as you go through the process, and strive for an even more diverse team.
  • Learn how to best prepare for the interview, and the methods to feel more self-assured when answering each question.
  • Pick up key strategies for responding to 'What are your career goals?'.
  • Understand ways to answer 'Why do you want to work here?'.
  • Figure out how to make the most of an information interview.
  • Answer 'Why should we hire you?' with confidence.
  • Comprehend the best way to respond to 'What motivates you?'.
  • Learn what the Golden Circle is and the role it plays in modern life.
  • Realize why it is beneficial to understand how to learn (and unlearn).
  • Gain advice on responding to 'How do you like to be managed?'.

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