Personal Development
Start Finding Your Purpose and Unlock Your Best Life - Shiken

Start Finding Your Purpose and Unlock Your Best Life - Shiken

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How to Discover Your Personal Sense of Purpose

At its core, having a sense of purpose is essential to leading a happy and fulfilled life. This concept of purpose can often be an intimidating task to tackle; however, Eastern philosophical thought provides an interesting and unique lens to do so. The concept of ikigai, or finding the overlap between what you love and the world needs, what you are good at and the world will pay for, offers insight into discovering our purpose and crafting our own personal sense of purpose.

What is Personal Sense of Purpose?

Although everyone's definition of purpose varies, it is less of a concrete goal and more of an ongoing impact on the world. It serves as a source of stability and guidance to help you stay on track during hard times. Finding your purpose is a combination of tapping into your passions and considering practical factors. For some, this purpose is already clear in the form of their chosen career. For example, a doctor may feel their purpose is to help the sick or ease suffering.

The Benefits of Finding Purpose in Life

Living with a meaningful purpose has a number of advantages, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that people who have found their purpose are less likely to develop chronic illnesses and tend to live longer. To reap these benefits it becomes clear that it is worth investing the time to understand ourselves and to discover our purpose.

12 Tips to Finding Your Purpose in Life

Having a sense of purpose comes from feeling connected to others, and dedicating our time and energy towards what brings us joy is one way to make that happen. Additionally, purpose is bound to change throughout our lives as we grow and progress. Here are 12 tips on how to find your purpose in life:

  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Create a personal vision statement
  • Give back
  • Practice gratitude
  • Turn your pain into purpose
  • Explore your passions

We can explore our passions in various ways, such as in a hobby or a side hustle, or by making it our full-time source of income. Finding our purpose is also about developing a sense of connection with other people, so forming relationships with communities that share our passions, interests, and values can be of great help. Connecting with people who inspire and motivate us to live with the same mindset can also provide us with purpose.

Another way to increase our empathy and critical and creative thinking is by reading fiction. This gives us the opportunity to imagine how we would react in the event of a certain situation. It also allows us to connect to people from all over the world. If we want to make a direct impact, we can choose to fight for a cause that strongly resonates with us. Lastly, it is important to accept our limitations and to strive to learn from our mistakes, as each mistake can become an opportunity to grow.

Finding Your Purpose and Path To A Job You Love

Self-compassion and self-care are necessary parts of becoming more self-aware and accepting of yourself, and ultimately leading to the best version of yourself in every situation. Everyone's version of self-care is different - it can be anything from a walk in the forest or practicing mindfulness, to journaling your emotions - but they all have the same goal: allowing our brains to be in a relaxed, creative and receptive state. Creative thinking comes naturally here, and this can lead to discovering your life purpose and knowing what you need to do to find meaningful work.

Identifying Your Purpose and Values

Finding your purpose requires courage and the willingness to explore uncomfortable questions and ideas. From here, you can create an inner compass to guide your decisions and bring light to your soul. To find your purpose and path to a job you love, there are a few key steps to take:

  • Understand Your Values: Take some time to identify what matters most to you and how your values relate to your current job and life goals. This will help you decide what kind of job to look for.
  • Explore Your Passions: What hobbies, activities and causes are you passionate about? How can they play a role in a job or career path? This can help you uncover potential new opportunities that spark joy.
  • Identify Your Skills: Look at transferable skills you've acquired over the years, whether it be through personal or professional experiences. Brainstorm how they can help you in your job search.

The Japanese concept of ikigai can also be a great tool for finding purpose in life. Ikigai encourages you to explore various aspects of your life in order to determine what brings you joy and how you can make a difference in the world. It helps you focus on your goals and develop a plan to find personal fulfillment.

Creating Goals and Following Your Purpose

Setting life goals is an important part of aligning your actions with your priorities. Additionally, reading fiction, practicing gratitude and self-care, and fighting for a cause you believe in can help you discover your purpose. Accepting your limitations can lead to more self-compassion which will ultimately help you read the signs of your inner compass and have a more meaningful life.

Uncovering Your Life Purpose After College

Graduating from college is an exciting and important milestone in our lives. But after the buzz wears off, many of us may find ourselves feeling lost and wondering, what now? Finding a job you love can take time and effort, but with the right guidance, it's a process that can be accomplished. Here are some tips to help you uncover your life purpose after college.

Set Achievable Goals

Once you have identified your values, passions, and skills, set goals that are realistically within reach. Break them down into smaller, more manageable goals, and larger outcome-driven goals. This will help you stay on track and ensure your efforts have purpose and are aimed towards meaningful outcomes.

Be Patient

Finding purpose and a job you love can take some time. Post-graduate depression can be caused by many factors and impact people differently. It is important to give yourself the time and space needed to find what is right for you.

Ask Questions

To gain a better understanding of your current life situation, start by asking yourself some questions. Examples may include:

  • What do I like to do?
  • What am I good at?
  • What will make me happy?

Answering these questions can help you uncover your purpose and satisfaction in life.

Take Action

Once you have identified your purpose, it's time to take action. Construct a plan of action to realize your goals. This may include, but is not limited to, career exploration, networking, and pursuing a degree. Research potential career paths and start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do. Taking action is key to making progress and achieving your goals.

Uncovering your life purpose after college may initially seem daunting. But with thoughtful exploration and taking incremental steps towards your goals, you can lead a happy and fulfilling life.

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