Personal Development
How to Get Promoted, the Do's and Don'ts

How to Get Promoted, the Do's and Don'ts

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Unlock Your Career Potential: 10 Steps to Get Promoted at Work

It may seem like hard work alone should be enough to earn a promotion. But, in the business world, it often takes more than that. If you're aiming for a higher position, you must stand out among your colleagues and become a leader in the organization. Here are 10 tips to help you along the way.

1. Ease Your Boss' Workload

Since you've been in the role for a while, you likely already know the tasks and duties your supervisor is most concerned about. By taking some of these responsibilities off their plate, you can show that you are a team player who is interested in the organization's success. This can come in the form of covering their duties while they're out of the office or even by just voicing your willingness to help. This will demonstrate your reliability and commitment.

2. Improve Your Communication Skills

Since you want to become a leader in the organization, it's important to hone your communication skills. Invest in yourself and learn how to effectively communicate with all types of people. Try to build positive relationships with your colleagues - they could help you get the promotion by speaking positively of you.

3. Ask How to Improve Yourself

You must already be doing an outstanding job in your current function to be considered for a promotion. Still, there's always room for improvement. Ask your boss how you can further develop your skills to be better prepared for a promotion. Also, practice receiving and responding to feedback in a constructive way.

4. Be Kind and Respectful

Relationships matter when it comes to getting a promotion. To become a successful leader, you have to be able to foster positive relationships. Demonstrate kindness and respect to everyone you work with so that they will be more likely to recommend you for the position.

5. Acknowledge Others' Contributions

Successful teams are not only made up of one individual. That's why it is essential to recognize your fellow coworkers' contributions and hard work. Praise them whenever you can so that they may be willing to advocate for you when the time comes.

6. Speak Openly with Your Boss

If you truly want a promotion, you have to let your boss know. Rather than demanding a promotion, make it known in a more subtle way. Ask your boss what it would take for you to get a promotion and which skills you need to develop. This will let them know that you're serious and make them more likely to work with you in getting the promotion.

7. Bring Value to the Organization

Organizations are likely to promote someone who can show that they can bring in revenue or save money. This brings value to the company and supports your request for a higher position and better benefits.

8. Learn from Others Who Have Been Promoted

Observe the colleagues who have recently been promoted. Ask them what they did to prepare and how they made sure they stood out. This will give you an idea of what you have to do to get the job.

9. Stay Positive

Getting promoted may take time, so it's important to stay determined and positive. Do everything you can to reach your goal, like following the previous steps, and remain hopeful.

10. Don't Give Up

Sometimes, it can take a while to get a promotion, and it may require you to overcome some obstacles. Don't give up and keep pushing forward and you're sure to get there.

How to Get Promoted at Work: Steps to Success

Getting promoted at work is both an exciting and a daunting prospect. But no matter your current role, there are ways to work towards a promotion, and steps that will help you make it successful. Here, we'll explore resilience, value creation, potential mistakes to avoid, signs of a possible promotion and how to properly make the request.

Develop Resilience and Soft Skills

Leadership roles can bring with them their own set of stressors. Leaders have more 'stage time' and must be able to manage stress and maintain a work-life balance. It's important to start practicing your soft skills now, so that you're prepared when you get promoted.

Create Value and Streamline Processes

Rather than dominating every conversation, it's better to contribute to it in a valuable way. Identify ways that you can streamline processes and free up time to work on your skillset and attend to projects that need your extra attention. This value-creation is an important trait of a successful leader.

Things to Avoid

  • Burning yourself out
  • Thinking 'me vs them'
  • Giving ultimatums
  • Keeping your struggles a secret
  • Selling a promotion with a sob story
  • Applying for roles that don't suit you
  • Blabbing about a promotion
  • Posting the wrong things on social media

Signs of a Promotion

If you've been given more work, asked to train someone, invited to new meetings or taken out for coffee, these are signs that you may be getting promoted. Your manager may also start asking how your long-term career goals fit in with the organization.

Make the Promotion Request

When discussing or asking for promotion, prepare a few key points to explain why you deserve it. Highlight any specific projects or tasks you completed successfully, and explain how your work and skillset have contributed value to the organization. Show confidence in your abilities, understanding that your experience, work ethic and knowledge of the organization are important assets that the company can benefit from.

Invest in Executive Coaching or Training

  • Executive Coaching: With executive coaching, you can unlock the business impact from the top and foster a culture of inclusion and belonging. Many organizations use Shiken to build a thriving workforce and measurably impact key business outcomes.
  • Training: There are many great resources to help you build the mindsets, skills, and behaviors that will drive performance and success. Check out the on-demand Shiken events and find helpful insights and tools to fuel individual and business growth. Additionally, you can stay up to date on innovative research featured in peer-reviewed journals, press, and more.

Understanding Career Planning

Whether you're seeking a promotion or assisting your direct reports in their career development, it's important for everyone to understand why career planning is essential. This means setting goals, understanding the necessary steps to get there, keeping track of progress, and celebrating successes along the way. Don't forget that communication and a positive attitude are also key. With the right determination, you can be well on your way to achieving your career goals.

Seven Steps to Career Planning Success

In order to successfully plan for a successful career, there are several steps you need to take. By following these steps, you will be better prepared and have a better understanding of what it takes to get promoted.

Step 1: Understand Your Career Goals and Current Skill Set

Before you can move forward with your career planning, it is important to take a step back and assess your current skills and abilities. Knowing what you are capable of and how your current skills can contribute to your future success will be key in setting yourself up for success.

Step 2: Update Your Resume and Online Profiles

Once you have assessed your current skills, it is time to update your resume and online profiles. This is important in order to ensure that potential employers have up-to-date information about your qualifications and experience.

Step 3: Identify and Acquire New Skills

Identifying areas where you need to improve or acquire additional skills is essential for career planning. This will help you better prepare for a promotion and make you a more attractive candidate for employers.

Step 4: Develop a Portfolio and List of References

Developing a portfolio of your work and a list of professional references are both important components of career planning. A portfolio demonstrates your capabilities and potential to employers, while references can provide insight into your work ethic and personality.

Step 5: Network with People in Your Industry

Networking with other professionals in your field is another key step to take when planning your career. These relationships can help you stay informed about job opportunities, potential mentors, and other important resources to help you succeed.

Step 6: Be Proactive in Seeking Out New Opportunities

Don�t wait for an opportunity to come your way; instead, be proactive and take steps towards actively seeking out new opportunities. Utilizing networking, researching companies, and attending professional events are all great ways to be proactive and potentially discover new opportunities.

Step 7: Take Risks, Be Persistent, and Follow Up

It is important to not only take risks when it comes to career development, but also to be persistent and follow up on any leads. Networking and reaching out in the appropriate channels are essential, but it is also important not to give up if opportunities don�t immediately arise.

Additional Considerations

If you�ve already been passed up for a promotion or are considering resigning from your current job, there are several resources available to help you make the best decision for your future. Additionally, if you are worried about being promoted too quickly, take the time to consider what skills and qualities make a good leader and use them to assess your readiness for a promotion.


In the end, getting promoted comes down to how well you�re doing your job and being willing to take initiative and get better. By following the steps outlined above, you should be well on your way to that promotion.

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