Personal Development
How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email: 4 Tips Plus ...

How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email: 4 Tips Plus ...

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Creating Lasting Impact With Clarity, Purpose, and Passion

At Shiken, we are dedicated to helping job seekers find clarity, purpose, and passion in their lives. We understand that job searching can be time-consuming and the rejections can be hard to bear, but that doesn't have to be the end. Job seekers can make the most of their efforts by responding thoughtfully to rejection emails and staying in contact with recruiters in case future openings become available.

Dealing With Job Search Negativity and Stress

Job search depression is very real, and each rejection can take its toll. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly half of the US job seekers feel pessimistic about their future prospects. Furthermore, since our jobs are so closely tied to our identities, the pressure to find a new one can result in numerous forms of stress. Here are some tips to cope with rejection:

  • It's Not Always About You: It can be difficult to not take job rejections personally, but it's important to remember that the interview process is hard for employers, too. Many factors come into play when it comes to choosing the right candidate, and they don't all reflect negatively on you. This is something to keep in mind the next time a rejection email arrives.
  • Ask for Feedback: Hiring managers are well-placed to provide helpful feedback that can help you improve your skills and communication style or build your experience. Job interviewing and resume-sorting is their job, and they have a lot of insight. It's perfectly okay to reach out to them for feedback on how to improve in the future.
  • Give Yourself Constructive Criticism: It's critical to take stock of your job application process and note which areas you can improve. Questions such as, did you research the company beforehand, did you tailor your resume for the job description, what are your weaknesses, and are you focusing on them too much can help you determine which areas you should prioritize. That way, you can become an even more attractive candidate for future employers.

Impactful change starts with the right mindsets, skills, and behavior. By understanding and managing job search rejections in the right ways, you can increase your success rate in the job market. Join us at Shiken to unlock maximum business potential and create a thriving workplace.

Questions to Ask Yourself After a Job Rejection

You might not feel like it, but after receiving job rejection news, it's important to be honest, accurate, and kind to yourself. Here are some questions to ponder:

  • Which questions during the interview felt difficult to answer?
  • Did my salary negotiation reflect industry standards?

Why You Should Respond to a Rejection Email

It may be hard to believe, but even after a rejection, it's important to reply to the rejection email. It doesn't mean you're a bad candidate, it might just be that another applicant had more experience with a specific skill. Responding positively and thoughtfully to a rejection helps to maintain a good impression and keeps the door open for future opportunities. It shows the hiring manager you can stay professional even in the face of discomfort and disappointment. If future openings come up or the previous hire doesn't work out, the chances that they will think of you first are higher. They may even have other job roles that fit your profile better.

Tips for Responding to a Job Rejection Email

When writing a job rejection email response, you should follow the same etiquette as any other professional email - concise, polite and to the point.

Making the Most of Job Rejection

Job rejection can be tough to deal with, and it's tempting to simply delete the email and move on without any further thought. But job rejection is a normal part of the job seeking process. Taking a moment to consider what you can learn from the experience and how to use it to help you move forward is an invaluable use of your time.

Including the Following in Rejection Responses

The most important thing to include in your rejection response is gratitude. After all, it takes a lot of work to plan interviews. Your hiring manager read through your resume, maybe examined work samples or a portfolio, likely thought of questions to get to know you, and worked to make you feel comfortable. Showing your appreciation for the effort they put into the process is an excellent way to finish off on a positive note. For example, you could say:

  • �I really appreciate you working around my schedule for the interviews.�
  • �I appreciate the thoughtful answers you gave me about the company.�
  • �I enjoyed meeting you and hope we can work together someday.�

It's also important to demonstrate your continued interest in the company. Reinforcing that you would like to be considered for future opportunities confirms that you've done your research and you know what you want. It increases the chances that they will reach out to you about future roles.

Finally, asking for feedback is a great way to get a better understanding of where you can improve. Hearing criticism can be difficult, but the only way to fix an issue is to know it exists. Requesting some honest feedback about your interview performance and the skills and experiences you'd need to become the right candidate can give you useful insights.

Make sure to leave your contact information in your email signature, such as a phone number, LinkedIn profile, and Calendly link. This will ensure they have multiple ways of getting in touch if there are future openings.

Rejection Response Email Samples

Hiring managers often have a lot on their plate, so keeping your message short and sweet is the key to success. A good structure to follow is:

  • A professional salutation
  • A sentence thanking them for the opportunity to interview
  • A few sentences letting them know you'd like to be considered for future positions
  • A few sentences demonstrating your disappointment and asking for feedback
  • A formal closing

Here are a few email samples:

Example 1:

Dear [hiring manager name],

I hope this email finds you well.

Thank you for the opportunity to get to know [company name] and for taking the time to interview me. I really appreciate you working around my schedule to fit in an interview.

I was looking forward to joining the [sector title] team, and it's disappointing not to have been picked for the role. I'd still love to work with [Company Name] and would really appreciate it if you could keep me in mind for future roles. If you have the time, I'd also be grateful for some feedback to help me be a more successful candidate in the future.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. You can contact me via this email or at [insert phone number].

Best regards,

[Full name]

Example 2:

Dear [hiring manager name],

I hope you had a great weekend.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for [job title]. It was really interesting to learn more about the company and the responsibilities of the role.

I understand and accept your decision. Even though I was excited to be joining the [sector title] team, I'm still interested in working with [Company Name], so I'd be really grateful if you could consider me for any future openings. If you have the time, I'd also appreciate any feedback you could give me after the interview process.

Again, thank you for the opportunity. If there is any additional information I can provide or if you'd like to get in touch, please find my contact information below.

Best regards,

[Full name]

How to Handle Rejection and Improve Your Professional Development

Rejection can be a difficult part of job searching, however understanding the experience and using it to your advantage can create a lasting impression and be an invaluable tool for improving your professional development.

Tips for Handling Rejection and Improving Professional Development

  • Take the time to analyze the experience and ask for feedback from your interviewer.
  • Avoid taking rejection personally and remind yourself that the job may not have been a good fit.
  • Seek out support from family, friends, or mentors to remind yourself of your strengths.
  • If job searching feels overwhelming, take a break and spend some time doing something that makes you feel good.
  • Evaluate your job search process and consider how you can refine your resume or interview skills.

It's important to remember that dealing with rejection is a normal part of the job seeking process. Taking the time to reflect on the experience and use it to your advantage can create a positive impression and help to create success in the future.

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