Personal Development
How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

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Structuring Your Presentation: A Step-By-Step Guide

Delivering a presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. However, knowing how to structure your presentation in an effective way can help make the process more manageable and allow your audience to follow along and understand your key messages.

Studies have indicated that when presentations are structured properly, audiences are 40% more likely to remember and retain the information. Structuring your presentation also makes it easier to stay on track and maintain momentum.

Choosing a Presentation Structure

Not all presentations are the same, and the structure you choose will depend on a variety of factors such as whether you�ll be doing a demonstration, the audience�s level of knowledge, how much audience participation you�d like, any time restrictions, and the setting. Knowing the answers to the following questions will help you determine your presentation structure:

  • What is the goal of your presentation?
  • Who is your audience?
  • What are the main points you want your audience to remember afterwards?

Once you have this information you can tailor your presentation structure to suit your needs. Generally speaking, a good presentation should contain the following sections:

  • Greet the audience and introduce yourself
  • Introduction
  • Explain the subject and purpose of your presentation and engage your audience
  • Outline the length and signal if you want audience interaction
  • Main body � discuss topics and support with relevant evidence and examples
  • Conclusion � summarise what you have discussed and state your key points

Structuring Your Presentation

The introduction should spark your audience's interest and build trust. Depending on the nature of your presentation, you can begin with an interesting story, anecdote, or demonstration. The goal is to create an emotional connection with your audience and get them to follow along.

The main body of your presentation is where you will delve into the topics you have introduced. Segment and discuss each topic one by one in a logical manner, and provide mini-summaries after each point. Clearly state the relationships between ideas and make sure to stay on topic.

Conclude your presentation by summarising the main points and reinforcing your messages. If you're presenting an idea for change in the world, you can start with the evidence and then conclude what this means for your audience.

Structuring an Effective Presentation

Getting an audience interested in your presentation is the key to ensuring that your point gets across. Your presentation should be clear and concise, with an engaging beginning that sets the tone for the rest of the presentation. To structure an effective presentation, be sure to incorporate a few key elements: summarizing your main points and their implications, enabling a call-to-action, and illustrating your topic through stories or demonstrations.

Summarizing Main Points

At the end of your presentation, be sure to fully summarise your main points and their implications. Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation to clarify the overall purpose and illustrate the reasons for your presentation. Signal that it is nearly the end, and provide a thought-provoking takeaway that will leave your audience with something to consider. Finally, thank the audience for their time and invite them to ask any questions they may have.

Demonstration Structure

In some cases, it may be beneficial to structure your presentation as a demonstration, such as when discussing a product or service. This is a great way to show the audience how your product works, and why it is valuable. Start by describing why the product is necessary, and how it can help solve problems. Demonstrate the product, and make suggestions of other things it can do to peak the curiosity of your audience.

Problem-Solution Structure

The problem-solution structure is often used to persuade an audience. Briefly explain the issue, go into detail as to why it is a problem, and use logical and emotional points to back up your argument. Offer a solution that will positively influence the audience, and finish with a call-to-action to drive the solution home.

Story Structure

Using stories can be a powerful way to structure your presentation. You may choose to use the monomyth, or the hero's journey, which focuses on a hero going on a difficult journey from the familiar to the unknown. Alternatively, you may opt for a media ras structure, which starts off with a teaser and then goes into the events that led up to the point. No matter which story structure you choose, make sure to start off with an exciting point that will make the audience curious.


Structuring an effective presentation requires you to be creative and incorporate a mixture of elements to keep your audience engaged. Using stories and demonstrations can be a great way to structure a presentation, and employing summarizing and call-to-action techniques at the end can help enforce the points you have made. Properly using transitions between points can allow your ideas to flow together smoothly, making your presentation more clear and understandable.

How to Structure a Presentation for Maximum Impact

Presentations are a great way to concisely and clearly convey ideas to a larger audience. Here's how to make sure you deliver the most impactful presentation possible.

Using Transitions

Transitions can be one word, a phrase, or an entire sentence and can be used to connect ideas and clarify relationships between points. Examples of transitions include phrases like "moving on to," "shifting between," and "how this links in with the overall presentation."

The Three Golden Rules

  • Don't overload slides with too much information
  • Focus on one or two images or diagrams to explain the point
  • Make everything easy to read and clearly visible

In addition, avoid rushing through the slides - give the audience enough time to understand and process each slide.

Guy Kawasaki suggests using a 10-20-30 rule - 10 slides, 20 minutes, and a minimum font size of 30pt.

Group Presentations

If several people are giving a presentation together, it's important to create a clean transition between speakers. This should include quickly summarizing the section that was just covered, introducing the next speaker and their topic, and ending by mentioning the speaker's name and looking at them.

For examples of excellent presentations, take a look at those given by Eric Schmidt, Simon Sinek, and Rick Rigsby. Each presentation follows a similar structure - introducing the message, presenting the main argument, and concluding with the message.

Ensuring a Successful Speech

When crafting your presentation, focus your speech on your main points and make sure to back them up with solid evidence. Use transitions to connect these points and tell the story of your presentation. Research shows that people remember the first and last items mentioned in a speech the most, so be sure to spend enough time on crafting an introduction and conclusion that will reinforce your points.

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