Personal Development
How to end an email and leave a fantastic impression

How to end an email and leave a fantastic impression

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The Benefits of Professional Communication in Professional Development

Professional development is an essential part of achieving success for any business or individual. It is about cultivating the right mindsets and skills, and cultivating beneficial changes in behaviors. One of the most influential, yet often overlooked, elements of professional development is professional communication. Email etiquette is a major component of this, and appropriate sign-off messages, clear and concise texts, and understanding social norms can help stave off misunderstandings and create a positive professional impression. Furthermore, a concept known as the �peak-end rule� can promote professional relationships that can have a lasting effect on one�s career.

An example of this can be seen in a social setting. Two people are having a pleasant conversation about a new marketing agenda, vacation plans, etc. But, upon conclusion of the conversation, the other person suddenly ends it without an appropriate goodbye. This can cause a feeling of confusion or bewilderment. In a digital age, the same concept applies to emails. It's important not to neglect a suitable sign-off when ending an email.

Having good communication skills is a key component of professional competencies, and it is necessary for building strong relationships while also promoting a healthy working environment. If you're not sure how to properly end an email, this article provides helpful tips and examples.

Why Email Sign-Off is Crucial

Verbal and non-verbal cues, such as shaking hands or saying hello and goodbye in social settings, are necessary for preserving positive relationships. If we neglect to observe these norms, it can damage or weaken relationships. If this relationship is of a professional nature, it could have a negative effect on our career.

It is, therefore, important to be aware of the impression we give off. When composing an email, the manner in which it is delivered is just as significant as the content. Your email sign-off is the finishing touch that can make or break the message. This idea is encapsulated in the 'peak-end rule', which suggests that people will judge an experience by how it started and how it ended - not by evaluating it as a whole.

For instance, if you have to send a customer an email with bad news, you would definitely make sure to carefully craft the appropriate subject line, salutation, wording, solution and next steps. However, if you forget to include a sign-off, the recipient may not feel as though you have taken the time to treat the interaction professionally, which could lead them to believe that you may be inconsistent in other work areas.

The Benefits of Using Professional Sign-Offs

Demonstrating respectful and suitable email etiquette can bring a variety of professional benefits, such as:

  • Seamless communication
  • A trustworthy and serious work ethic
  • Less confusion

The Consequences of Neglecting Professional Email Sign-Offs

Failing to include a proper email sign-off can lead to:

  • Misunderstandings
  • A less professional impression
  • Strain on communication

Examples of Email Sign-Offs

Here are some examples of email sign-offs that can be used in various circumstances:

  • I hope you have a wonderful day
  • Thank you for your time
  • I appreciate your help
  • Thank you for the follow-up
  • I look forward to meeting you
  • Please feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance
  • Let me know if you have any queries
  • Have a great weekend
  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • Good luck with your presentation today
  • Nice work today, team. Keep it up!

Best Email Sign-Offs

Here are a few reliable sign-offs:

  • Best regards
  • Warmest wishes
  • Kind regards
  • Warm regards
  • Best

Your Email Signature

Your email signature is an excellent way to represent yourself and your brand.

Writing Professional Emails with Proper Sign-Offs

Having proper email etiquette is an important competency to master for any professional. Closing an email is the last impression you make, so it must be thoughtful and professional. It is important to double-check for typos, misspellings, and incorrect grammar before you send your correspondence, as this will have a lasting impact on the impression you leave and the relationships you foster.

What to Include in a Professional Email Signature

When crafting an email signature, it is important to include all of the relevant information to guarantee a proper introduction. The following should be included:

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Company name and a hyperlink to the website
  • Additional contact info, such as a phone number or an alternate email address
  • Links to work-related social media platforms, such as a LinkedIn profile. You may include less formal platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter if they are utilized to promote your personal brand.

What to Avoid When Signing Off

When signing off emails, it is important to avoid phrases that are overly formal and reverent. These include but are not limited to "Sincerely yours", "Cordially", "Have a blessed day", "At your service", and any slang, shortened words, emojis, or humor. It is also important to consider the level of familiarity you have with your recipient and adjust your sign-off accordingly.

Four Strategies for Signing Off Professional Emails

  • Applying for a job or following up on an interview:
    When writing to potential employers, it is essential to make a lasting good impression. Let them know you are grateful for their time and consideration with phrases such as "Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. Please let me know if I can be of any help regarding the next steps. Warm regards, [full name]" or "I enjoyed meeting you today. Is there any more information I can provide? Best, [full name]."
  • Accepting a job or writing a team introduction email:
    After the hiring process is over and a job offer is made, take a moment to express your gratitude. Keep the closing short, simple, and kind, such as "Thanks again for the opportunity and for making this process so enjoyable. I'm looking forward to getting started. Regards, [first name]" or "I'm excited to meet the whole team. I can't wait to get started. Kind regards, [first name]."
  • Asking for help or a favor:
    When asking for help or a favor, it is important to be courteous. Showing appreciation for the time it takes to read your email is a great way to encourage a response. Examples of suitable closings are, "Please let me know if I can provide more information. Thank you for your time. Best, [first name]", "I'd love to hear your opinion. Please let me know if you have time for a quick call. Kind regards, [first name]", and "We appreciate your support and hope you'll complete our survey so we can improve your experience. Warmly, [full name, company]."
  • Expressing gratitude:
    Expressing gratitude is an essential part of developing positive professional connections. A personalized thank you to a team or individual team member can boost morale, encourage them to continue working with you, and even buffer bad news, like turning down a job or giving two weeks notice. Examples of suitable phrases include "I'm grateful for your time and hope we can collaborate in the future. Warmly, [first name]", "This company wouldn't have been the same without you. You're one in a million. Thanks again! Kindly, [first name]", and"Thanks for your continued help and support. All the best for the future. Respectfully, [full name].

How to Decide What to Do With Your Life

Making decisions about your life can be intimidating. How do you know what is the right path for you? But by taking the time to think about your readers, your current skills and interests, and your personal situation, you can craft a plan that is tailored to your unique life goals.

Reflect on Your Current Skills and Interests

Before making any drastic decisions, take some time to reflect on what you have a genuine passion for. This could be a hobby, skill, or a passion you have developed over the years. Spend some time researching what kinds of jobs exist in those fields - it could open up some possibilities you had never considered! Additionally, speaking with a career coach or other professional can provide you with helpful guidance and insight on how to leverage your current skills and interests.

Evaluate Your Personal Situation

Additionally, it's important to consider your personal situation when making life decisions. Think about what will make you the happiest and provide you with the most security. Do you want to focus on making a lot of money, or is making a difference in your community more important to you? Consider your long-term goals and create a plan for smaller, more manageable tasks that you can work on each day.

Express Gratitude and Intention

Finally, make sure to express gratitude and intention for your decisions. Show gratitude for the opportunities that have been presented to you and be intentional in the language you use when talking about your goals and plans. When making decisions, take the time to really consider what is in your best interest, and don't be afraid to take a chance on something new.


By taking some time to reflect on your current skills and interests, evaluate your personal situation, and express gratitude and intention for your decisions, you will be better able to craft a life plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. Good luck!

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