Standard English

Defining Standard English

Standard English is the globally recognized and accepted version of the English language that is considered to be the "correct" form. It is commonly used in formal situations, such as exams, and when politeness is required, such as when speaking with a headteacher.

It's important to note that Standard English varies among English-speaking countries, with slight differences in British English and American English. In this article, we will focus on the characteristics and conventions of British Standard English.

Grammar Rules and Usage in Standard English

During school, we are taught specific and standardized grammar rules for each form of Standard English. These rules include proper usage of punctuation, spelling, verb forms, and more.

Let's delve deeper into the characteristics and usage of British Standard English, as well as the distinctions between standard and non-standard English.

Examples of Standard English

Here are some examples of standard English in various contexts:

Context - Speaking to an older neighbor: "Good morning Jim. How are you? What are your plans for today?"

Context - Receiving an email from the headteacher: "The football game is postponed until tomorrow due to severe weather conditions."

In comparison, here are non-standard English examples in the same contexts:

Context - Speaking to your best friend: "Alright mate? What are you up to today?"

Context - Receiving a text from your brother: "The game is put off til tomo bc of the rain :( "

As we can see, the non-standard examples have a more informal tone and are mostly used in casual contexts. They include less formal language, abbreviations, and emoticons, while the standard examples use more formal, standardized language.

Distinguishing Between Non-Standard and Standard English

To understand the differences between standard and non-standard English, let's first define non-standard English:

Non-standard English refers to all other variations of English. It often includes slang and is used in more casual situations.

The main distinctions between standard and non-standard English are:

  • Formality - Standard English is appropriate for formal and official settings, as well as when politeness is required. Non-standard English is more suitable for informal situations with friends and family.
  • Grammar - Standard English adheres to regularized grammatical rules, while non-standard English is more flexible and open to change. For example, some non-standard dialects use "yous" as the plural second-person pronoun, meaning "you all".
  • Slang - Standard English avoids slang and informal language, while non-standard English utilizes a lot of slang words and often invents new ones. Abbreviations are also prevalent in non-standard English, particularly in text messages.

Consider your language usage when speaking with different individuals, such as your headteacher versus your friends. What are the main differences? Why do you think you use different forms of language?

Regional Variations in Non-Standard English

While standard English remains relatively consistent throughout the UK, non-standard English differs by region. Each regional dialect has its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and accent.

For instance, Scouse is a dialect commonly spoken in Liverpool. It employs a lot of slang, for example, "webs" instead of "shoes", and has its own distinct pronunciation and accent. This differs from Cockney, another dialect prevalent in London, which is known for its rhyming slang, such as "one and twos" for "shoes", and its characteristic accent.

Now, let's test your knowledge of Cockney rhyming slang!

Understanding Standard English and Its Variations

Have you ever encountered a sentence that was difficult to comprehend? Well, you're not alone! The sentence "I'm going to Captain Kirk to earn some bread and honey to bring home for my trouble and strife and our basin of gravy" simply translates to "I'm going to work to earn some money to bring home for my wife and baby." This serves as an example of how different dialects and variations of English can create confusion in communication.

Standard English: What It Is and Why It Matters

Standard English is a standardized form of the English language that has been developed over time. It is recognized by specific features that are considered standard and are widely accepted. Let's take a closer look at what makes Standard English unique and its various varieties.

The Characteristics of Standard English

Standard English follows a set of specific features that are considered standard. These include:

  • Phonology: Different accents and dialects are considered standard in different countries, such as the Received Pronunciation (RP) accent in the UK and 'General Australian' and 'Standard Scottish English' in other English-speaking nations.
  • Grammar: Standard English adheres to a set of grammatical rules that are considered to be 'correct' such as using the right tenses and verb agreements.
  • Vocabulary: Standard English uses formal and widely accepted words, typically with Latin origins, and avoids slang terms.
  • Spelling: Standard English utilizes standardized spelling found in dictionaries, though different countries may have slight variations such as -ise or -ize.

It's worth noting that there is no governing body that officially regulates the rules and conventions of Standard English. However, organizations like the Oxford English Dictionary and Cambridge University Press are considered 'gatekeepers' of the language and preserve records and publish materials in the standard.

The Conventions of Standard English

In addition to standardized grammar and spelling, there are other conventions used in writing that are considered 'correct' in Standard English. These include proper punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing. These conventions help maintain a uniform and neutral form of English that is easily understood by speakers from different regions.

The Varieties of Standard English

While Standard English may have specific features that are widely accepted, it's important to note that there are slight variations of the standard in different English-speaking countries. Some examples include Standard British English, Standard Scottish English, Standard American English, and Standard Australian English. Despite these variations, all standard varieties of English can be understood by speakers from around the world. To see a comparison chart of these varieties, refer to the note below.

Note: Check out the comparison chart below to see the differences between these standard varieties.

Why Standard English is Important

Now that we have a better understanding of what Standard English is and its varieties, let's explore why it's widely used and considered important. Some reasons include:

  • Neutral: Standard English is a fairly neutral form of the language, meaning it's less likely to be associated with any particular region or stereotype.
  • Uniform: Due to its uniformity, Standard English is crucial for international communication as it follows set grammatical rules and is widely understood.
  • Teachable: Standard English is the form that is typically taught in schools to English speakers and to non-English speakers learning the language as a foreign language.

Why Standard English Matters in Language Teaching and Learning Materials

Establishing a standard is crucial in language teaching and learning materials, such as textbooks. This is because standard English is essential for effective communication both within a country and globally. The standard is defined by specific rules and conventions that may vary from country to country, but can be understood by all English language learners.

Understanding Standard English - Key Points

Standard English is the widely recognized and accepted form of the English language that is considered "correct." It is often used in formal situations or when politeness is required. Additionally, standard English follows specific and regulated grammar rules that are commonly learned in school.

On the contrary, non-standard English encompasses any deviation from the recognized standard form of English. It commonly consists of informal language and slang when used in casual settings.

Regional dialects are also considered non-standard English due to their discrepancies in slang, grammar, and accent.

Understanding Standard English

Standard English is the universally acknowledged form of the language that is deemed to be "correct." It is typically utilized in formal situations or when adhering to social etiquette.

Defining Characteristics of Standard English

Standard English can be identified by specific traits in phonology, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. These elements help establish the standard and make it easily comprehensible for those learning the language.

What Qualifies as Non-standard English?

Non-standard English encompasses all variations of the language that do not adhere to the standard form. It frequently involves slang and is prevalent in more relaxed settings.

Comparison: Standard vs Non-standard English

While standard English refers to the regulated and accepted version of the language, non-standard English encompasses all forms that deviate from the standard. It is frequently used in less formal contexts.

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