Feminine Rhyme

The Various Forms of Rhyme in Poetry and Everyday Language: An In-Depth Study of Feminine Rhyme

Rhyme is a common technique used in a variety of literary works, including poetry, theater, and even everyday sayings and phrases. One particular type of rhyme that is frequently utilized is known as feminine rhyme. Let's take a closer look at this form of rhyme and its various characteristics.

Defining Feminine Rhyme

Feminine rhyme, also known as double rhyme, is a type of rhyme that features a stressed syllable followed by one or more unstressed syllables. Examples of feminine rhyme include pairings like "climbing" and "timing" or "dangle" and "mangle." If the rhyme contains three syllables, it is called a triple rhyme, as seen in words like "history" and "mystery" or "beautiful" and "dutiful."

Feminine Rhyme vs. Masculine Rhyme

The main difference between masculine and feminine rhymes is where the stress is placed in the words. Stress is determined by which syllables are emphasized when speaking. For example, in the word "ago," the second syllable ("-go") is stressed, while in "temperature," the first syllable ("temp-") is stressed. This natural occurrence in language is what creates rhythm and melody in speech.

In feminine rhyme, the stress falls on the first syllable, followed by one or more unstressed syllables. For instance, "climbing" and "timing" are feminine rhymes, with the first syllable ("climb" and "time") stressed and the second syllable ("-ing") unstressed.

On the other hand, masculine rhyme places the stress on the final syllable. Some masculine rhymes consist of only one syllable, like "see" and "be," while others, such as "below" and "ago," have multiple syllables. In the latter example, the final syllables ("-low" and "-go") are stressed, creating the rhyme.

The fundamental distinction between feminine and masculine rhyme is the placement of stress within the words, which affects the overall sound and flow of the rhyme.

Feminine and Masculine Rhyme in Action

Here are a few examples of masculine and feminine rhymes to better illustrate the placement of stress in words:

Examples of Masculine Rhymes:

  • I wandered through the sleet and snow, never knowing where to go
  • She wandered in the quiet night, and saw a fire, burning bright
  • In jungle lands, where beasts collide, the lion's place won't be denied
  • His face was bruised, his glasses cracked, but still he kept his pride intact

Examples of Feminine Rhymes:

  • I stood there in the kitchen, crying, while the sausages were frying
  • When at work, my dress is formal, but I never feel normal
  • Overcome with vanity, he'd misplaced his humanity
  • While I was trapped in, wriggling, the children sat there giggling
Task: Can you identify the double and triple rhymes in the examples above?

The first two examples are double rhymes, with two syllables each ("crying" and "frying," and "formal" and "normal"). The last two examples are triple rhymes, with three syllables each ("vanity" and "humanity," and "wriggling" and "giggling").

Revisiting Feminine and Masculine Rhyme

Type of RhymeStress PlacementFeminine RhymeFirst syllable stressedMasculine RhymeLast syllable stressed

Popular Examples of Feminine Rhyme

Feminine rhyme is a popular technique used by many writers, and here are some notable examples:

Feminine Rhyme in Poetry

Note: In the following excerpts, the feminine rhymes have been emphasized in bold for a better understanding of the concept. This is not how the poems were originally written.

"I come from haunts of coot and hern, I make a sudden sally, And sparkle out among the fern, to bicker down a valley. By thirty hills I hurry down, or slip between the ridges, by twenty thorpes, a little town, and half a hundred bridges." - Alfred Lord Tennyson, "The Brook," 1886.

In this poem, Tennyson expertly incorporates both masculine and feminine rhymes, utilizing an ABAB rhyme scheme in each stanza. The first and third lines (the "A" lines) end with masculine rhymes like "hern" and "fern" or "down" and "town. The second and fourth lines (the "B" lines) end with feminine rhymes like "sally" and "valley" or "ridges" and "bridges."

The Art of Feminine Rhyme: Exploring its Use in Poetry and Music

Feminine rhyme, also known as double rhyme, is a charming and playful type of rhyme commonly used in poetry and music. This article will dive into the concept of feminine rhyme, its various uses, and provide examples from popular works of literature and music.In the poem "I Wanna Be Yours," John Cooper Clarke uses feminine rhyme to add a lighthearted and humorous tone. Through creative metaphors and unique rhymes like "vacuum cleaner" and "Ford Cortina," the use of feminine rhyme adds a playful touch to the poem.Feminine rhyme can also be seen in Amanda Gorman's powerful poem "The Hill We Climb." With the repetition of the word "it," Gorman creates a feminine rhyme with words like "free," "see," and "be." This adds emphasis to the message of the poem and creates a harmonious effect.Although "The Hill We Climb" is written in free verse, Gorman still incorporates various types of rhyme, including feminine rhyme, to add depth and variation to her work. The closing lines of the poem showcase the satisfying use of feminine rhyme, creating a sense of harmony and upliftment.The use of feminine rhyme is not exclusive to poetry, as it can also be found in song lyrics. In the song "Man Don't Care" by UK rapper Giggs, we see an example of feminine rhyme being used for comedic effect with lines like "local geezers" and "friends...held up with tweezers."Even in pop songs, feminine rhyme can bring creativity and variety. In Steflon Don's "Hurtin' Me," the use of the word "ballin" (meaning showing off wealth) and its homonym, "bawlin" (meaning crying) adds a clever twist, made more impactful by the use of feminine rhyme.For a more somber yet satirical approach, The Beautiful South's "Don't Marry Her" uses feminine rhyme with lines like "your love light shines like cardboard." The contrast between the man's "glistening" work shoes and the dullness of their relationship creates a humorous effect. The use of feminine rhyme, specifically a triple rhyme, adds complexity and a pleasing sound to the lines.Feminine rhyme is not limited to adding humor, as it can also create rhythm and emphasize certain lines in a poem or song. Its use of stressed and unstressed syllables adds a unique flow and variety to the traditional masculine rhyme.In summary, feminine rhyme is a versatile tool used by writers to create specific effects in their work, whether it be for humor, rhythm, or emphasis. So, whether you are a poet, author, or songwriter, consider incorporating feminine rhyme into your work for a pleasing and creative element.

Understanding Feminine Rhyme: Definition and Examples

Feminine rhyme, also known as double rhyme, is a type of rhyme commonly used in poetry and music. It consists of two or three syllables and adds a playful and charming tone to a piece of writing. For example, words like "climbing" and "timing" or "history" and "mystery" are examples of feminine rhyme.

The Purpose of Feminine Rhyme

Feminine rhyme not only adds a delightful sound to a poem or song, but also creates a sense of satisfaction and amusement for the audience. This type of rhyme can add humor and make a piece more enjoyable to read or listen to.

The Difference Between Masculine and Feminine Rhyme

Both masculine and feminine rhymes are commonly used by writers of various genres. The main distinction between these two types is where the stress is placed in a word. A masculine rhyme has stress on the last syllable, while a feminine rhyme has stress on the first syllable followed by one or more unstressed syllables.

Examples of Lines Ending with Feminine Rhyme

Here are some examples of lines that end with feminine rhyme:

  • By thirty hills I hurry down,
  • Or slip between the ridges,
  • By twenty thorpes, a little town,
  • And half a hundred bridges.The Beauty of Feminine Rhyme in Poetry
  • Poetry has been a medium for expressing thoughts and emotions for centuries, and its power lies in the use of various literary devices. One such device is the use of rhyme, which adds a musical quality to a piece. While most are familiar with masculine rhyme, where the final syllable of rhyming words is stressed, there is also a lesser-known form called feminine rhyme.
  • Feminine rhyme, also known as double rhyme or two-syllable rhyme, occurs when the first syllable of a rhyming word is stressed. This creates a softer and more lyrical effect compared to masculine rhyme. An example can be found in Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem 'The Brook', where he writes, "The new dawn blooms as we free it." The stress falls on the first syllable of 'bloom' and 'free', creating a feminine rhyme.
  • A more recent example of feminine rhyme can be seen in Amanda Gorman's poem 'The Hill We Climb', where she writes, "For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it." The stress falls on the first syllable of 'always' and 'brave', creating a subtle and pleasing rhyme.
  • Another form of feminine rhyme is known as compound rhyme, where the final syllable of a word is the same as the first syllable of the following word. This can be seen in Steflon Don's song 'Hurtin' Me', where she sings, "Tears down my face fallin', I'm in the place bawlin'." The stress falls on the first syllable of 'tears' and 'place', creating a feminine rhyme and adding a musical flow to her lyrics.
  • The use of feminine rhyme adds variety and interest to poems and songs, and can also create a playful and lighthearted tone. It is an often overlooked technique, but its impact on the overall composition should not be underestimated. Next time you read or listen to a poem, keep an ear out for the beauty of feminine rhyme.
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