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Antiquarks are tiny particles that are essential building blocks of antimatter. They are responsible for most of the mass in antimatter. An antiquark has three important properties: an electrical charge, a baryon number, and a strange number. Scientists represent an antiquark with the symbol q. During pair creation events, some antimatter particles are produced with particles can even combine with particles and antiparticles to create new particles. If you're interested in the fascinating world of particle physics, you'll definitely want to learn more about antiquarks!

Antiquarks and baryon numbers

The baryon number indicates if you have a particle or an antiparticle. See the following table showing the negative quarks that make up antimatter.

Antimatter and pair creation

The creation of antimatter occurs in the pair creation process. This happens when matter collides with a high-energy photon. The collision emits two particles, one made of matter, while the other is the antiparticle.

A high-energy photon collides with a nucleus, producing a positron and an electron. This also creates a particle-antiparticle pair
A high-energy photon collides with a nucleus, producing a positron and an electron. This also creates a particle-antiparticle pair

Antimatter quark composition

Antiquarks play an important role in the existence of antimatter. They make up the particles that form antiprotons and antineutrons, which together contain three antiquarks. The symbol for antiquarks is a "q". In the case of an antiproton, the sum charge of the three antiquarks that form the particle must be -1. This means that it is composed of two anti-up quarks and one anti-down quark. The overall charge value indicates that it is an antiproton, which is classified as a baryon, a type of particle made up of antimatter. The baryon number for an antiproton is -1. Similarly, an antineutron has a charge of 0, requiring two anti-down quarks and one anti-up quark to complete the particle total charge of the three antiquarks is 0, indicating that it is an antineutron. The baryon number for an antineutron is also -1, meaning it is also a baryon made up of antimatter. Understanding the properties and composition of these particles is crucial to understanding the nature of antimatter.

A proton and an antiproton’s quark composition.The antiproton has the same mass but a negative charge

Pion minus and kaon minus hadrons

When quarks combine with antiquarks, they create a matter-antimatter pair. Two examples are the pion minus and the kaon minus hadrons. These particles are the result of the combination of an anti-up quark and a down quark, which together create a total charge of -1. For the pion minus, the anti-up quark has a charge of -⅔, and the down quark has a charge of -⅓. For the kaon minus, the anti-up quark has a charge of -⅔, and the strange quark has a charge of -⅓. The pion plus and kaon plus particles have a baryon number of 0, indicating they are a combination of both matter and antimatter. Antiquarks have a charge value of -⅔ or +⅓, and three of them compose an antineutron or an antiproton. Understanding these particle combinations is crucial to understanding the nature of antimatter.


What are antiquarks?

Antiquarks are the antiparticles of the quark, which have the opposite charge and baryon number. Antiquarks have the same mass and energy at rest as quarks.

What is the difference between quarks and antiquarks?

Their charge and baryon number.

How many antiquarks are there?

There are six antiquarks.

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