Stellar Spectral Classes

Stellar Spectral Classes are a way to group stars based on their temperature and the light they emit. This helps learn about their. studying properties, can understand they matter and how they are connected. It's a fascinating way to explore the universe!

The importance of temperature and thermal radiation

Stars emit electromagnetic radiation due to nuclear reactions inside them. Temperature and thermal radiation are important factors to study stars. Temperature measures the average movement energy of particles in a substance like stars, which are in a gaseous state. Thermal radiation is the electromagnetic radiation created due to the interactions between particles of a substance with an absolute temperature greater than zero. The characteristics of thermal radiation are related to the temperature. This radiation is the primary source of the radiation of stars.

Wien’s law

Studying systems with many particles can be tough, but for bodies that emit and absorb radiation, there's a simplification called the black body approximation. These objects have many properties that are similar to, let's explore how the temperature of a star relates to the frequencies it emits. Wien's law comes into play here, which tells us that objects with different temperatures will emit radiation of different wavelengths. The diagram below shows the frequency profiles for different temperatures, and you can see that the wavelength peak decreases with an increase in temperature. The visible spectral range is shown with dashed lines, and Wien’s law is shown with slanted dotted lines. Wien's law helps us understand the relationship between the maximum intensity of emission of a frequency and the temperature of the emitting body.

Planck’s radiation law
Planck’s radiation law

Check out our explanation on Black Body Radiation. Note that the higher the temperature, the smaller the wavelength of the thermal radiation (an inversely proportional relationship).

What is stellar spectral classification?

In spectral classifications, there are many categories, but we'll focus the most commonly used one in this explanation. While stars emit radiation across a broad range of frequencies, this classification is based on their visual properties, with a focus on how their electromagnetic properties relate to their colour in the visible range.

Stellar spectral classes and the stellar classification table

The stellar spectral classification categorises stars according to their spectral properties. The adjective spectral refers to the spectrum of emission of thermal radiation of stars. The visible region has to do with which colours are emitted and with which intensity, but, in general, it refers to frequencies in the whole spectrum, which can be X-ray, radio, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), gamma, etc.

The electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum

The general stellar spectral classification chart, also known as the Harvard spectral classification, is shown below. This classification system categorises stars based on their temperature and spectral properties. Wien's law allows us to relate the chromaticity of a star to its temperature, which in turn helps us establish a solid classification system.

| Spectral Type | Temperature Range (K) | Color |
| --- | --- |
| |
B 10,000-30,000 | Blue-White |
| A | 7,500-10,000 | White |
| F | 6,000-7,500 | Yellow-White |
| G | 5,000-6,000 | Yellow |
| K | 3,500-5,000 | Light Orange |
| M | <3,500 | Orange-Red |

While this classification system is helpful on its own, sometimes further refinement is needed in astronomy and astrophysics. This requires the addition of distinctive elements to the already shown names for the spectral types of stars. For instance, by studying their spectrum and characterising their frequencies, we can assign numbers in addition to the letters to reference specific wavelengths. This refined classification system allows for more precise categorisation of stars based on their spectral properties.

How is stellar spectral classification related to the stages of a star’s life?

Indeed, the main reason for using methods of classification of stars is to study their properties collectively and extract helpful information through statistical analysis. By categorising stars based on their spectral properties, we can make predictions about their physical characteristics, such as their age, luminosity, and size.

The features of the spectral classification of stars are strongly related to the stages of a star's life. For example, the temperature and luminosity of a star are related to its mass, and the spectral lines in a star's spectrum can tell us about the chemical composition of its atmosphere. By examining the spectral properties of a large sample of stars, we can deduce properties like age from observational properties like colour.

This type of analysis is critical for understanding the evolution of stars and the formation of galaxies. By studying the distribution of stars of different spectral types, we can learn about the processes that led to their formation and evolution. This information can help us to better understand the universe and its history.

Luminosity classes and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H-R diagram) is a powerful tool that captures the statistical distribution of stars based on their luminosities and temperatures. It is a scatter plot that shows the relationship between a star's absolute magnitude (or luminosity) and its spectral type or effective temperature.

The main sequence on the H-R diagram is the region where stars spend most of their lives. This sequence is characterised by a correlation between luminosity and temperature. The upper region of the diagram is related to the late phases of stars, where they have expanded and become cooler, while the lower region is associated with the final stages of a star's life that was not very massive.

The correlation between luminosity and colour (related to spectral characteristics) depends on the star's stage of life but can be accurately described by many models that have been developed and produce the HR diagram. These models are based on our understanding of stellar evolution and take into account factors such as mass, age, and chemical composition. By comparing the observed positions of stars on the H-R diagram with the predictions of these models, astronomers can determine the physical properties of stars and the history of their evolution.

Overall, the H-R diagram is a crucial tool for understanding the life cycles of stars and the processes that govern their evolution. It has enabled astronomers to make significant advances in our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws of physics that govern it.

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

Spectrum, luminosity, and the stages of life of a star

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram provides valuable insights into the spectrum of stars and the meaning of stellar spectral classification. The spectral classification of stars categorises them according to their spectrum of emission, with each category known as a spectral type.

The spectrum of emission from a star depends strongly on its temperature, which is why the H-R diagram is so useful for understanding the properties of stars. The relationship between temperature and spectral type is well-known and can be accurately modelled using a simplified model of a black body.

Stellar spectral classes give us information on many features of stars, such as the presence of certain elements or molecules. For example, the presence of hydrogen in a star's spectrum is a hallmark of stars of spectral type A or later. Other classification systems can complement stellar spectral classification with more spectral types for stars to obtain a very accurate description of the properties of a star.

Overall, the spectral classification of stars is an essential tool for understanding the physical properties of stars and their evolution. By examining the spectra of stars and placing them in the context of the H-R diagram, astronomers can gain valuable insights into the processes that govern the formation and evolution of stars.

Spectrum, luminosity, and the stages of life of a star
Spectrum, luminosity, and the stages of life of a star

Stellar Spectral Classes

What are the seven spectral types of stars?

The seven spectral types of stars are O (blue), B (blue-white), A (white), F (yellow-white), G (yellow), K (light orange), and M (orange-red).

What is the stellar spectral classification system?

The stellar spectral classification system is a categorisation of stars according to their spectral properties.

How many stellar spectral types of stars are there?

There are seven main stellar spectral types, but one may find more precise subdivisions.

How are spectral types currently ordered?

Spectral types are ordered from higher surface temperature to lower surface temperature. The order is: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.

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