
Have you ever wondered how much space a pen or an elephant occupies? And more importantly, how much space do you take up? Well, the answer lies in the volume of an object. But what exactly is volume? To put it simply, volume is the amount of space an object takes up. It can be measured in different units such as liters, gallons, or cubic meters. So the next time you hear someone talking about volume, you'll know exactly what they mean! And if you're interested in learning more about how to calculate volume, stay tuned for our next article.

Definition of Volume

Understanding volume can be, but we're here to help! In simple terms, volume is the amount of 3-dimensional space an object takes up. You can think of it as how many sugar cubes would fit inside an object if it were hollow. For example, an elephant has a than a mosquito because it takes up more. Another way to measure volume is by how much water would fit inside an object if it were hollow. If two objects were filled with water and one is twice as heavy as the other, then the heavier object has twice as much volume. Just like mass, charge, and form, volume is a physical property of an object. So next time you hear someone talking about volume, you'll know exactly what they mean!

Formula for Volume

There is no general formula for the volume of objects (if we don’t want to use calculus), but let’s look at a very basic object: a rectangular cuboid. This is the 3-dimensional version of a rectangle, see the figure below.

A rectangular cuboid with sides a, b, and c
A rectangular cuboid with sides a, b, and c

Let's talk about rectangular cuboids and how they relate to volume. A rectangular cuboid has sides of length, and. If we double any of these dimensions, the volume of the cuboid also doubles because we essentially have two copies of the original cuboid stacked on top of each other. The volume of the rectangular cuboid can be calculated using the formula, whereis the constant. This formula tells us that the volume of the cuboid is directly proportional to the product of all the side lengths.

We can use this formula to find the volume of any object by making it hollow and filling it with water. We then pour the water into tank with a rectangular base, which causes the water to take on the shape of a rectangular cuboid. By measuring the three sides of the cuboid, we can calculate the volume of our object.

Another example of a rectangular cuboid is a cube, which has sides of equal length. The volume of a cube with sides of lengthcan be calculated by raising one side length to the power of 3, or. So, the volume of a cube is just a special case of the rectangular cuboid formula with all sides having the same length.

Measuring Volumes

Measuring the volume of an object with water is another practical way to determine its volume. We can use a rectangular-cuboidal tank filled with water and dip our object into the water. As the object enters the water, some of it will overflow due to displacement, and this overflowed water is equal to the volume of our object. When we remove the object from the water, the water level in the tank will drop, and the remaining water will occupy the same volume as the object. This remaining water will have the shape of a rectangular cuboid, which makes it easy to measure using the formula we mentioned earlier. This measured volume is the actual volume of our object! Check out the illustration below for a visual representation of this process.

A way to measure the volume of objects
A way to measure the volume of objects

Dimensions of Volume in Physics

The dimensions of volume are cubed units of length. In the case of the rectangular cuboid formula, we multiply three distances (length, width, and height) to calculate the volume, so the dimensions of the volume of a rectangular cuboid are length cubed, or. This applies to all volumes since they are calculated by multiplying distances in 3-dimensional space. Therefore, the standard unit of volume is the cubic meter, or. This means that the volume of an object is measured in cubic meters, which is the same as the volume of a cube with sides of one meter. For example, a cube with sides of one meter has a volume ofbecause.

Calculation of Volumes

There are shapes for which the volume is reasonably easily calculated, i.e. without needing any advanced mathematics such as calculus every time you encounter such a shape. Pyramids have a base and a height perpendicular to this base, see the figure below for an illustration. If the base of the pyramid has an area and the pyramid has a height, then the volume of the pyramid is always given by.

A pyramid with height h and base area A
A pyramid with height h and base area A

The volume of a ball with radiusis. Note how the dimensions of volume in both of the examples above work out to be. If you ever calculate a volume and notice that it doesn’t have the right dimensions of, you have done something wrong. A volume always has dimensions of.

Examples of Volumes in Physics

The volume of objects is important in a lot of physics questions.

Understanding the volume of a gas is crucial in determining its density, pressure, and temperature, especially if the gas is in a closed container. When we compress a gas to a smaller volume, its pressure increases and pushes back against us, causing an increase in force. This is evident when we try to squeeze a closed water bottle, and the air inside the bottle pushes back against us due to the decrease in volume.

When taking a bath, we must consider our body's volume because it takes up the space that water would occupy in the bathtub. If our body's volume is larger than the non-filled part of the bathtub, the water will overflow, causing a mess. Therefore, subconsciously, we consider our body's volume when filling up a bathtub.

The volume of an object is a measure of the amount of 3-dimensional space it occupies, and one way to think about it is how much water the object could hold if it were hollow. The formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular cuboid is given by multiplying its three sides, length, width, and height. The standard unit of volume is the cubic meter (), and the dimensions of volume are always cubed units of length. A liter () is equal toof a cubic meter.

In conclusion, understanding the concept of volume is essential in various fields, including physics, engineering, and even everyday life situations like taking a bath.


What is the definition of volume in physics?

In physics and other areas of science, the volume of an object is a measure of the amount of 3-dimensional space the object takes up.

What is the formula of volume in physics?

The only general formula for the volume of an object is to integrate the volume form over the object, which can be regarded as the formal definition of a volume. Other than this higher-level formula, general simple formulas of volume do not exist.

What is the unit of volume in physics?

In physics, the dimensions of volume are distance cubed. Therefore, the standard unit of volume is the cubic meter. Another popular unit of volume used in physics is the liter, which is a cubic decimeter.

Is volume a physical property?

Volume is a physical property of objects. However, materials do not have a fixed volume, as we can choose how much of such material we want to look at. You can ask how much volume a table has, but not how much volume wood has.

How to find the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is the area of one of its disks multiplied by its height. So a cylinder with height h and disk radius r has a volume of V=πr2h.

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