Call To Action Examples

The Impact of Using Call-to-Actions in Your Marketing Strategy

Think back to the times when you have signed up for something. Did you download Evernote, Dropbox, or Spotify? What about taking a class at General Assembly? Each of these actions was likely prompted by a well-designed call-to-action (CTA).

CTAs are vital in any marketing campaign as they play a key role in converting visitors into leads for the sales team. A compelling CTA is crucial for companies to engage and succeed with their apps and websites.

Understanding Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

A CTA is an element, such as a button, form, or link, that motivates the audience to take action. In marketing, CTAs guide potential customers through their journey and eventually turn them into leads.

Different Types of CTAs

The type of CTA used can vary based on the campaign's objectives and target audience. Some common types include buttons, forms, banners, contextual links, pop-ups, and slide-ins.

  • Buttons: This is the most common type of CTA, using a high-contrast color and action-oriented copy to entice users to click and take further action.
  • Forms: A form submission CTA allows businesses to convert site visitors into leads by offering something in exchange for their contact information.
  • Banners: These are usually placed at the top, bottom, or side of a webpage and feature captivating copy and design to urge users to click and take action.
  • Contextual Links: These are clickable text within a blog post that leads users to a related landing page.
  • Pop-ups: Pop-up CTAs appear in a small window on the page and are often used to communicate offers or encourage sign-ups for a service.
  • Slide-Ins: Similar to pop-ups, slide-in CTAs "slide in" from the bottom or sidebar to grab a user's attention without interrupting their experience.

Tips for Crafting Effective CTAs

Here are some key tips to consider when creating your CTAs:

  • Keep it simple: Sometimes, the simplest CTAs are the most effective. Use direct and understandable language that clearly communicates the desired action.
  • Use action verbs: Begin your CTA with a strong action verb to inject energy and momentum, making it more engaging. For example, "Buy now" and "Get started" are more motivating than "Continue" or "Next."
  • Create a sense of urgency: Incorporate phrases like "limited time offer" or "while supplies last" to create a sense of urgency and prompt immediate action.

Remember, every brand and target audience is unique, so don't be afraid to test different versions of your CTAs to determine what works best for you.

We value your privacy, which is why we have placed this unobtrusive CTA midway through the article, offering a free and valuable resource. Our aim is to make our CTAs irresistible and compelling, and we are constantly improving and refining our approach.

Take Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Level with These Free Call-to-Action Templates from HubSpot

Ready to increase website conversions? Look no further! HubSpot offers a variety of free resources, and we use the information you provide us to provide relevant content, products, and services. Don't worry, you can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more details, refer to our Privacy Policy.

Our 28 free CTA templates will help enhance user experience and drive conversions. From bottom-of-post and form button CTAs to sidebar options and more, we have you covered.

We make things easy for you by ensuring a hassle-free download process for our templates. Once you're all set, simply click the link to access the resource at any time. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more.

Tips and Examples for Crafting the Perfect CTA Copy

CTAs have a specific purpose, but their language can vary. Marketers are always finding creative ways to generate leads and grow their businesses. Check out these examples of call-to-action buttons that truly stand out.

Simple and Effective CTAs: These examples demonstrate the power of simplicity and clarity. They get straight to the point and tell the user exactly what to do.

Upgrade Your CTAs: Examples from Top Brands and How to Replicate Them

Call-to-actions (CTAs) are a crucial element in converting website visitors into customers. The key is to use language that compels and entices, rather than a generic plea to "sign up." Let's take a look at successful brands and how you can craft your own effective CTAs.

1. Hija De Tu Madre- Enter to Win a Denim Jacket

Hija De Tu Madre, an apparel company, understands their target audience and uses that knowledge to their advantage. Their CTAs are clever and incorporate a mix of Spanish and English, appealing to their demographic. In addition to the standard email sign up, they offer the chance to win one of their popular denim jackets, creating a sense of value and encouraging visitors to provide more personal information.

How to Replicate this CTA: Know your audience and tailor the language and offer to their interests. Consider offering a valuable incentive in return for personal information.

2. Wool and the Gang- Share Your Knits

Wool and the Gang leverages a sense of community to draw in visitors. With a collage of customers wearing their products and a cute dog, the CTA button invites visitors to share their own creations using the brand's hashtag. This not only promotes the brand, but also encourages customer engagement.

How to Replicate this CTA: Create a sense of community and encourage visitors to join in by incorporating user-generated content and a unique hashtag.

Examples of Effective CTAs from Top Brands

  • HubSpot CTA- Download Now

HubSpot offers a plethora of free resources, and this slide-in CTA found in an article about marketing intelligence showcases how a well-placed CTA can improve the user experience. The language is clear and the offer is directly related to the article's topic, allowing readers to easily finish and then download a guide with templates to create their own marketing kit.

  • The Budgetnista- Sign Up For Weekly Goodies

The Budgetnista stands out by using friendly and creative language that reflects Aliche's personality. Instead of a generic "sign up for my newsletter" CTA, they offer "weekly goodies" which is much more enticing.

  • Glossier- Let's Take This to Your Inbox

Glossier's overlay CTA stands out with its clever use of language, making readers want to stay on the site and sign up for their newsletter. They also demonstrate empathy by stating that the service is free and use humor and a discount to encourage action.

  • 310 Creative- If This Sounds Familiar, Let's Talk

This CTA from 310 Creative showcases how using aesthetics and persuasive language can effectively entice visitors to sign up for their newsletter and receive a discount.

  • VRBO- Discover Your Escape

VRBO's CTA is visually striking and uses appealing language to convey that users are not just booking a vacation, but embarking on an adventure with trusted guides.

  • Hulu- Get the Disney Bundle

Hulu's dramatic approach with this CTA is effective in promoting their add-on deal with Disney+ and ESPN+. The bold text and contrasting background immediately draw the user's attention.

Ready to take your CTAs to the next level? Learn from these successful brands and incorporate their strategies into your own for effective results. Happy marketing!

Crafting an Effective CTA: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to creating an effective CTA, keep these tips in mind:

  • Know your audience: Tailor the language and offer to your target demographic.
  • Create a sense of value and urgency: Offer a valuable incentive or limited-time offer to entice visitors to take action.
  • Show empathy: Demonstrate that your service is free and remove any barriers to encourage action.
  • Be creative and use humor: Stand out from the competition with unique and witty language.
  • Incorporate a sense of community: Encourage customer engagement and interaction with user-generated content and a branded hashtag.

With these tips and examples from successful brands, you can create effective CTAs that convert and help grow your business. Happy marketing!

Creating Compelling CTAs: The Power of Language in Converting Site Visitors

1. Introducing EPIC Agency and Their Effective CTA Strategy

EPIC is a successful creative agency that has mastered the art of creating effective CTAs. Their homepage features eye-catching animated videos on a carousel, with a clear CTA that stands out with its friendly language, "Let's start a new project together." This not only showcases their creativity but also appeals to potential clients looking for a collaborative partnership.

How to Replicate this CTA

To create an inviting CTA like EPIC, use friendly language that makes potential clients feel like they are part of a team. Instead of a generic "join us," consider something like "let's work together" or something specific to your services.

2. Aquaspresso's Effective Use of Urgency to Drive Conversions

Aquaspresso, a coffee company, utilizes urgency in their CTA pop-up on their blog page. Instead of a direct call to check out their products, their CTA offers something more useful - "today's specials" in exchange for the reader's email address. By mentioning that these specials are only available today, they tap into the psychological tactic of scarcity and make the offer more appealing.

How to Replicate this CTA

To replicate Aquaspresso's CTA, consider offering something valuable in exchange for contact information, such as a discount, exclusive content, or a free trial. Make sure to add a sense of urgency to create FOMO (fear of missing out) and encourage conversions.

3. QuickSprout's Effective Question-Based CTA

QuickSprout uses a slide-in CTA on their blog that poses a question that no one wants to be wrong about, "Are you doing your SEO wrong? Enter your URL to find out." This clever and attention-grabbing CTA appeals to potential clients' desire to improve their SEO strategy.

How to Replicate this CTA

To create a successful question-based CTA like QuickSprout, think of a question that your target audience would not want to be wrong about and offer them a solution to find out. This creates a sense of curiosity and drives conversions.

In conclusion, creating an effective CTA that resonates with your target audience requires thoughtful use of language, offering something valuable, and creating a sense of urgency or curiosity. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can create compelling CTAs that drive conversions and ultimately, grow your business.

Website owners can easily assess their SEO performance and make improvements by simply entering their URL. The use of personalized language and the promise of valuable information make this call-to-action (CTA) highly effective in encouraging clicks.

How to Create a Successful CTA

Capture the attention of potential customers by posing a thought-provoking question and offering something valuable in exchange for their input or information.

Ugmonk - "Yes Please - Send me the coupon" | "No Thanks - I'm not interested"

In an effort to retain visitors before they leave their site, Ugmonk presents a 15% discount and two clear options - "Yes Please - Send me the coupon" and "No Thanks - I'm not interested." This direct approach allows visitors to make a decision without feeling pressured or guilty.

How to Implement this CTA Strategy

Utilizing an exit-intent CTA, like Ugmonk, can effectively persuade visitors to take action or make a purchase. Consider offering a discount or valuable incentive to encourage engagement with your brand.

33. Pinterest - "Continue with Facebook" | "Sign Up"

When creating a Pinterest account, users have the choice to sign up through Facebook or email. By providing these two options, Pinterest caters to different preferences and simplifies the sign-up process for users.

How to Include this CTA on Your Site

To appeal to a broader range of customers, ensure that your CTAs cater to their preferences and make it easy for them to take action. This can increase conversions and overall user satisfaction.

Make it Easy for Users to Sign Up with Facebook on Pinterest

If you have a Facebook account, Pinterest wants you to sign up through it first. Upon visiting Pinterest's homepage, you'll notice a prominent blue Facebook button, allowing you to quickly and conveniently create an account. This not only saves time, but also provides Pinterest with more information about you through Facebook's API. However, if you already have a Pinterest account, there is a subtle CTA at the top right corner for you to log in.

How to Incorporate this CTA Technique

Consider offering users the option to sign up through Facebook or Google, as it streamlines the process for them and provides you with more information about your audience.

Madewell's Playful CTAs - Take me there | What's next?

Madewell's website design is visually appealing, and their use of creative CTAs on their homepage is no exception. The headline "I'm Looking For..." followed by a clothing category, accompanied by two CTAs - "Yes, Take Me There" or "Hmm... What's Next?" - creates an interactive and enjoyable browsing experience for users.

How to Use this CTA Tactic

Consider incorporating gamification or a playful tone in your CTAs to make your website more engaging for users who may not have a specific idea of what they're looking for.

Charity- water's Unique Approach to Donation CTAs

The ultimate goal for Charity- water is to receive donations for clean water, but they understand that everyone has different payment preferences. To cater to these differences, their homepage features a CTA that allows visitors to donate $60 through credit card or PayPal, both given equal prominence. This demonstrates that the charity's primary focus is on receiving donations, regardless of the payment method.

How to Implement this CTA Strategy

Consider offering visitors multiple options for payment, as the ultimate goal is for them to make a purchase. By accommodating their preferences, you can increase the chance of conversion.

TeuxDeux's CTA - Get Started for Free | Try for Free

TeuxDeux's website boasts a simple yet effective CTA that allows visitors to try their product for free. The use of the company's brand colors and a straightforward message make the CTA stand out on the page. This approach speaks to the company's understanding of their audience's need to test a product before committing to a purchase.

How to Use this CTA Technique

Know your audience and consider offering a free trial of your product to develop a personal relationship between the customer and your brand.

Betabrand's Engaging CTA - "Get Involved"

Betabrand's homepage showcases a unique CTA that involves the audience by allowing them to vote and influence the design of new products. This interactive approach creates a fun and engaging experience for visitors, making them feel like they are a part of the brand.

How to Incorporate this CTA Tactic

Consider using interactive and engaging CTAs to make visitors feel more connected to your brand and encourage them to take action.

The Power of Effective CTAs: How to Create Winning Calls to Action

When it comes to CTAs (Call to Actions), simplicity and clarity are key in capturing the attention of visitors and encouraging them to take action. Keep reading to learn how to replicate this successful approach in your own CTAs.

Utilize Engaging and Involving CTAs

Consider implementing a CTA that invites visitors to participate in the decision-making process, such as a survey or voting option. This can create a sense of involvement and urgency, especially when tied to a special occasion or promotion.

The Power of Fabletics' "Limited Edition" CTA

Fabletics utilizes various marketing tactics in their CTA, including the use of the powerful words "limited edition" and connecting it to a holiday (Mother's Day). The eye-catching color of the CTA also makes it stand out on the page, drawing in visitors to check out the exclusive collection.

Mix and Match Your CTAs for Greater Impact

By combining different CTA elements, such as scarcity and tying it to a special event, you can create a more effective call to action that entices visitors to take immediate action.

Encourage Visitors to "Shop the Lookbook"

The "Shop the Lookbook" CTA stands out with its playful design and alluring message, inviting visitors to browse the brand's lookbook. This is a simple yet effective way to direct customers towards your products.

Incorporating Fun and Attractive Designs Into Your CTA

Consider using a visually appealing and attention-grabbing design for your CTA to entice visitors to explore your products further.

Crafting Compelling CTAs That Deliver Results

When it comes to CTAs, keeping them direct and concise is crucial in capturing visitors' interest and guiding them towards their desired action. Keep reading to discover how to replicate this successful approach in your own CTAs.

Less is More When It Comes to CTAs

Use your CTAs to directly communicate what visitors can expect after clicking on them. Instead of cluttering your landing page with unnecessary features, opt for a straightforward and effective CTA, such as "Shop This Look" or "Download the Guide Now".

Example: CTA - Get 3 Months Free

This example from Amazon showcases multiple effective elements in one. By promoting their product, Amazon Music, on their homepage and offering visitors a free three-month trial, they effectively capture their goal with a simple design. To replicate this, ensure that your CTA stands out and eliminate any distractions.

The Power of Simplicity in CTAs

Example: CTA - Shop Now

Barnes and Noble's CTA for their limited Mother's Day collection utilizes a clean and cohesive design to entice visitors to shop. To create a successful CTA, use a consistent and visually appealing design that aligns with your brand's voice. Play around with colors and fonts that complement each other and keep the CTA simple.

Example: CTA - Learn More | Contact Us

On their homepage, Slack utilizes a beautifully simple design that encourages visitors to click one of their two CTAs. This approach is effective as it caters to different target audiences with their "Learn More" and "Contact Us" buttons. To replicate this, consider offering various options for your different target audiences.

Make Comparing Features a Breeze for Visitors

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Nintendo understands that many visitors are still in the research phase before making a purchase, which is why they offer a "Compare Features" CTA. To replicate this, consider incorporating a CTA that allows users to compare different pricing or features, helping them make a more informed decision.

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