
Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

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Boost Your Productivity: Master These 20 Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

If you want to improve your prospecting research and save valuable time, mastering keyboard shortcuts on Google Chrome is key. These shortcuts can help you efficiently build your pipeline and streamline your daily tasks. Check out these 20 essential keyboard shortcuts to boost your productivity:

Navigating Tabs Made Easy

  • Open a new tab: Mac- Command + T | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + T
  • Close the current tab: Mac- Command + W | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + W
  • Reopen last closed tab: Mac- Command + Shift + T | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + Shift + T
  • View next tab: Mac- Command + Option + right arrow | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + Tab
  • View previous tab: Mac- Command + Option + left arrow | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + 9
  • Jump to a specific tab: Mac- Command + select the appropriate number | Windows PC & Linux- Ctrl + select the appropriate number
  • Open a hyperlink in a new tab: Mac- Command + click the link

Efficient Searching with Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Put cursor in search bar: Mac- Command + L | Windows PC & Linux- Unknown
  • Erase current search: Mac- Command + delete | Windows PC & Linux- Unknown
  • Highlight next word in search: Mac- Shift + Option + right arrow | Windows PC & Linux- Unknown
  • Highlight previous word in search: Mac- Shift + Option + left arrow | Windows PC & Linux- Unknown

Quick Actions With Virtual Shortcuts

  • Go back to previous page: Delete key
  • Go forward to next page: Shift + delete
  • Reload current page: Command + R
  • Open find bar: Command + F
  • Scroll to next keyword in find bar: Enter key
  • Scroll to previous keyword in find bar: Shift + Enter
  • Save current page as a bookmark: Command + D
  • Open settings page: Command + comma key
  • Open downloads page: Command + Shift + J
  • Open a new window: Command + N
  • Drag a tab out of your window: Click and drag tab downwards
  • Close current window: Command + Shift + W
  • Minimize current window: Command + M
  • Maximize current window: Control + Command + F
  • Scroll down the web page: Space bar
  • Quit Google Chrome: Command + Q
  • Jump to last tab: Command + number nine
  • Hide Google Chrome: Command + H
  • Log in as a different user: Command + Shift + M
  • Clear browsing data: Command + Shift + Delete
  • Search for selected text: Command + E

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