Best Kind Regards

How to Perfectly End Your Business Emails

When it comes to concluding a business email, there are two commonly used options: "best regards" and "kind regards." However, using these sign-offs appropriately can be tricky. To prevent any email blunders and ensure a positive first impression, here is a guide on when and how to use each one correctly.

When to Use "Best Regards"

For a more casual tone, "best regards" is the ideal option. It conveys friendliness and respect, making it suitable for clients you are familiar with but not close to. This sign-off works well for informal or relaxed email exchanges, especially when the other party has set a casual tone in their email.

When to Use "Kind Regards"

In professional communication, "kind regards" is the more formal and appropriate way to end an email. Use this when reaching out to potential clients, in the early stages of communication, or when emailing a higher-level executive. It is also a suitable choice for introducing yourself to a mutual acquaintance or when unsure about the appropriate sign-off to use.

Comparing "Kind Regards" to "Warm Regards"

"Kind regards" is a more formal sign-off compared to "best regards," while "warm regards" implies a closer relationship. Only use "warm regards" if you have established a more personal connection with the recipient.

If you are uncertain, it is best to match the tone of the recipient's email. Additionally, for efficiency and time-saving, you can utilize AI to generate personalized sign-offs that drive engagement and conversions. Consider using a tool like lemlist's AI sequence generator to create customized and effective multichannel email sequences in a matter of seconds.

Free Guide to Mastering Business Communication

Effective communication is crucial in any professional career. For more tips and advice on business communication, check out our free guide. From sales communication to general tips, we have you covered.

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