Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Timeless Warning of Nineteen Eighty-Four Against Totalitarianism
In our modern world, screens are everywhere, from our laptops and cellphones to our TVs and gaming devices. But what if these screens were not just devices to entertain us, but also instruments to monitor and control our every move and word? This is the terrifying reality that George Orwell's (1903-1950) Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) portrays.
Nineteen Eighty-Four is widely considered the most influential novel of the 20th century, leaving a lasting impact on political discussions, everyday language, and numerous writers, thinkers, artists, activists, and politicians who turn to its pages for insight during times of turmoil.
But what makes this novel, published seventy years ago, still so relevant and unsettling? The answer lies in Orwell's extraordinary ability to blend elements from the past and present to warn against the horrific possibilities of the future, making Nineteen Eighty-Four a timeless masterpiece.
The World of Nineteen Eighty-Four