Alcohol Elimination Reaction

Alcohol elimination reactions are an important part of organic chemistry. They involve the removal of two atoms or groups of atoms from an alcohol molecule, resulting in two new molecules. This process is known as dehydration and can be used to create alkenes, the starting point for many plastics. For example, when ethanol is eliminated, ethene is formed.

This reaction has the potential to be carbon-neutral, as the carbon dioxide released when the plastics are burnt is counteracted by the carbon dioxide taken in when the ethanol is produced. This could be a way of making plastics with no net carbon dioxide output.

The reactants, conditions, and products of alcohol elimination reactions are all important to understand. Reactants include an alcohol and a strong acid, such as sulfuric or phosphoric acid. The reaction is usually carried out at high temperatures. The product is an alkene, which can be used to create plastics.

The mechanism of alcohol elimination reactions is also important to understand. In general, these reactions can follow either an E1 or E2 mechanism. The E1 mechanism involves a proton transfer from the alcohol to the acid, followed by a loss of water. The E2 mechanism involves a deprotonation of the alcohol, followed by a loss of water.

Finally, isomeric products can be produced in alcohol elimination reactions. These products are formed when the reaction occurs in a stereospecific manner, resulting in the formation of different isomers. For example, when 2-butanol is eliminated, two isomeric products can be formed: 1-butene and 2-butene.

What are alcohol elimination reactions?

As we learned earlier, elimination reactions involve the removal of two atoms or groups of atoms from a molecule, resulting in the formation of two new molecules. In the case of alcohol elimination reactions, a hydroxyl group and a hydrogen ion are removed from an alcohol molecule, and water is formed as a byproduct. This process is known as dehydration because water is being removed from the molecule.

After the removal of the hydroxyl group and hydrogen ion, a C=C double bond is formed in the remaining molecule, resulting in the formation of an alkene. This double bond is what makes alkenes so useful in the creation of many plastics.

Here is the word equation for alcohol elimination reactions:
alcohol → alkene + water

Overall, alcohol elimination reactions are an important part of organic chemistry and can be used to create many useful products, such as plastics.

Reactants in alcohol elimination reactions

In alcohol elimination reactions, the reactant is an alcohol that has a hydrogen atom on one of the carbons adjacent to the carbon bonded to the -OH group. The alpha carbon is the carbon atom directly bonded to the -OH group, and any adjacent carbons are known as beta carbons.

To determine if an alcohol is suitable for dehydration, follow these steps:

  1. Find the hydroxyl group, -OH, and the alpha carbon atom it is bonded to.
  2. Identify any adjacent carbon atoms - these are the beta carbons.
  3. Check if any of the beta carbons have a hydrogen atom attached to them.

If there is a beta carbon with a hydrogen atom attached, the alcohol is suitable for dehydration.

Let's look at a few examples to make this clearer:

  1. Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) has a beta carbon with a hydrogen atom attached, so it is suitable for dehydration.
  2. 2-Propanol (CH3CH(OH)CH3) has two beta carbons, but neither of them have a hydrogen atom attached, so it is not suitable for dehydration.
  3. 2-Butanol (CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3) has two beta carbons, but only one of them has a hydrogen atom attached, so it is suitable for dehydration.

By following these steps, you can determine if an alcohol is suitable for dehydration in alcohol elimination reactions.

An alcohol suitable for dehydration
An alcohol suitable for dehydration

Here, the hydroxyl group is shown in pink and the alpha carbon is shown in turquoise. The beta carbon, adjacent to the alpha carbon and shown in blue, is part of a -CH3 group. This -CH3 group contains hydrogen atoms. Therefore, this alcohol is suitable for elimination.

How about this next alcohol?

14.5 Reactions of Alcohols | The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological  Chemistry
An alcohol unsuitable for dehydration

Once again, the hydroxyl group is shown in pink, the alpha carbon is shown in turquoise, and the beta carbon is shown in blue. However, this time the beta carbon is bonded to three methyl groups. It isn't attached to any hydrogen atoms. Therefore, this alcohol is unsuitable for elimination.

Products in alcohol elimination reactions

In alcohol elimination reactions, the products are an alkene and water. Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n, meaning they contain a C=C double bond.

The C=C double bond in the alkene is always found between the alpha carbon and the beta carbon that lost a hydrogen ion. This means that the position of the double bond is predictable.

However, in some cases, multiple isomeric alkenes can be formed. Isomers are molecules with the same chemical formula but different structural arrangements. This occurs when the original alcohol is a secondary or tertiary alcohol because there are multiple beta carbons available for the C=C double bond to form.

For example, let's consider the alcohol 2-methyl-2-butanol (CH3)3COH. In this case, there are two beta carbons available for the double bond to form. The C=C double bond can form between the alpha carbon and either of the two beta carbons. This results in the formation of two different isomeric alkenes:

  1. 2-Methyl-2-butene, CH3C(CH3)=CH2
  2. 3-Methyl-1-butene, CH2=CHC(CH3)2

Both of these alkenes have the same molecular formula (C5H10), but they have different structural arrangements due to the position of the C=C double bond. Overall, the products of alcohol elimination reactions are predictable, but in some cases, multiple isomeric alkenes can be formed.

Conditions for alcohol elimination reactions

In alcohol elimination reactions, an acid catalyst is required for the reaction to occur. The acid catalyst is typically concentrated sulphuric or phosphoric acid, but hot aluminum oxide can also be used as an alternative. The mixture must be heated to approximately 170°C for the reaction to take place.

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the process. In this case, the acid catalyst helps to remove the hydrogen ion from the beta carbon, making it more likely for the C=C double bond to form.

It is important to note that the conditions needed for alcohol elimination reactions can vary depending on the specific alcohol being used. For example, some alcohols may require higher temperatures or different catalysts for the reaction to occur. Overall, alcohol elimination reactions require an acid catalyst and heating to produce the desired alkene product.

The mechanism for alcohol elimination reactions

Alcohol elimination reactions can occur via two different mechanisms, depending on the type of alcohol involved. Primary alcohols use an E2 mechanism, while secondary and tertiary alcohols use an E1 mechanism.

The E1 mechanism is a two-step process that involves the following steps:

  1. Protonation: The acid catalyst (such as concentrated sulfuric acid) donates a proton (H+) to the alcohol molecule, forming a carbocation intermediate. In the case of propan-2-ol, the intermediate formed is a secondary carbocation.
  2. Deprotonation: A water molecule acts as a base and removes a proton from the beta carbon adjacent to the carbocation, causing the C-O bond to break and the formation of the alkene. In the case of propan-2-ol, the alkene formed is propene.

The E1 mechanism is dependent only on the concentration of the alcohol and is a first-order reaction. This means that the rate of the reaction is proportional to the concentration of the alcohol.

It is important to note that the E1 mechanism can also result in the formation of multiple isomeric alkenes if the original alcohol is a secondary or tertiary alcohol, as mentioned earlier. Overall, understanding the mechanism of alcohol elimination reactions can provide a deeper understanding of the reaction and help predict the products formed under different conditions.

An example of an E1 mechanism in alcohol elimination
An example of an E1 mechanism in alcohol elimination

In the E2 mechanism, which is used for primary alcohols, the reaction occurs in a single step. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Deprotonation: A strong base, such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, removes a proton from the beta carbon adjacent to the hydroxyl group. This creates a carbanion intermediate, which is a carbon with a negative charge.
  2. Elimination: The carbanion intermediate then attacks the carbon atom of the hydroxyl group, causing the C-O bond to break and the formation of the alkene. Simultaneously, the hydroxide ion from the base combines with a hydrogen ion from the beta carbon to form a molecule of water.

The E2 mechanism is second-order, meaning that the rate of the reaction is dependent on both the concentration of the alcohol and the concentration of the base. It is also important to note that the E2 mechanism requires a primary alcohol, as the secondary and tertiary alcohol molecules will form carbocation intermediates that are too unstable to proceed with the reaction.

Overall, understanding the mechanism of alcohol elimination reactions is essential to predicting the products formed under different conditions and optimizing the reaction for desired outcomes.

An example of an E2 mechanism in alcohol elimination
An example of an E2 mechanism in alcohol elimination

Exactly, the E2 mechanism avoids the formation of a primary carbocation intermediate, which is highly unstable and requires a lot of energy to form. Instead, the reaction occurs in a concerted manner, with the protonation and elimination steps happening simultaneously. This results in a lower activation energy and a more energetically favorable reaction.

It is also worth noting that the E2 mechanism occurs under basic conditions, where a strong base is used to initiate the reaction. In contrast, the E1 mechanism occurs under acidic conditions, where an acid catalyst is used to protonate the alcohol and initiate the reaction. Overall, understanding the differences between the E1 and E2 mechanisms is crucial for predicting the products of alcohol elimination reactions and optimizing the reaction conditions for desired outcomes.

Isomeric products of alcohol elimination reactions

Do you remember how we said that alcohol elimination reactions can form isomeric products? Let's take a look at how.

First of all, let's consider what happens when you dehydrate butan-1-ol. The 1 in its name indicates that the hydroxyl group is attached to the first carbon in the chain. This is the alpha carbon. The molecule is an example of a primary alcohol, meaning the alpha carbon is bonded to just one other alkyl group. Here's what it looks like:

Isomeric products of alcohol elimination reactions Butan-1-ol
Isomeric products of alcohol elimination reactions Butan-1-ol

You can see that the alpha carbon is bonded to just one other carbon atom. This is the only beta carbon. Remember that the hydrogen ion is always lost from a beta carbon. The C=C double bond forms between the alpha carbon and this beta carbon. That means that in this molecule, the C=C double bond can only form in one place, producing just one alkene. In this case, the alkene formed is but-1-ene. Here, we've highlighted the hydroxyl group, the alpha carbon, the beta carbon, and the C=C double bond that forms.

Dehydrating butan-1-ol to produce but-1-ene
Dehydrating butan-1-ol to produce but-1-ene

But what do you think will happen if you dehydrate butan-2-ol? Let's look at it together.

In butan-2-ol, the hydroxyl group is bonded to the second carbon atom in the chain. This is the alpha carbon. The alpha carbon is bonded directly to two other carbon atoms, making butan-2-ol an example of a secondary alcohol. These are the beta carbons. Notice how both of these beta carbons contain hydrogen atoms:

Isomeric products of alcohol elimination reactions Butan-2-ol
Isomeric products of alcohol elimination reactions Butan-2-ol

The hydrogen ion eliminated could come from either beta carbon - the first carbon (on the left) at the end of the chain, or the third carbon (on the right) in the middle of the chain. As before, the C=C double bond forms between this beta carbon and the alpha carbon. This means that in this alcohol, the C=C double bond can form in multiple different places. We'll form three different isomeric products. If the hydrogen ion comes from the beta carbon on the left, we'll produce but-1-ene. If the hydrogen comes from the beta carbon on the right, we can produce either E-but-2-ene or Z-but-2-ene.

F. The Dehydration of Butan-2-ol - Chemistry LibreTexts
The isomeric products of the elimination reaction of butan-2-ol


If you're not too confident about isomers, go and take a quick look at Isomerism.

Examples of alcohol elimination reactions

Finally, let's look at some specific examples of alcohol elimination reactions using named alcohols.

First up, let's take methylpropan-1-ol. Heating this alcohol with concentrated sulphuric acid produces methylpropene and water. Once again, we've highlighted the hydroxyl group, the alpha carbon and the beta carbon.

The elimination reaction of methylpropan-1-ol
The elimination reaction of methylpropan-1-ol

Another example is pentan-2-ol. Here you can see that there are two beta carbons. Heating this alcohol with an acid catalyst therefore produces a mixture of isomeric products: pent-1-ene, E-pent-2-ene and Z-pent-2-ene.

The elimination of pentan-2-ol
The elimination of pentan-2-ol

It's important to also note that the choice of mechanism depends on the type of alcohol and the reaction conditions. Primary alcohols generally undergo elimination via the E2 mechanism under basic conditions, while secondary and tertiary alcohols can undergo elimination via either the E1 or E2 mechanism, depending on the reaction conditions. Additionally, the formation of a mixture of isomeric alkenes can occur when there is more than one possible site of elimination.

Alcohol Elimination Reaction

Do alcohols undergo elimination reactions?

Yes - alcohols undergo elimination reactions, forming an alkene and water.

What are the types of elimination reaction?

There are two main types of elimination reaction: E1 and E2. The number represents how many species the rate of reaction is dependent on. However, two other types of elimination reaction also exist: E1CB and Ei. 

Is the dehydration of alcohol an elimination reaction?

Yes - dehydration of alcohols is an example of an elimination reaction.

What is the purpose of an elimination reaction?

Elimination reactions are useful because they generally transform a saturated molecule into one with a double bond. Alcohol elimination reactions are particularly useful because they produce alkenes, the starting point of many polymers.

What is an alcohol elimination reaction? 

Alcohol elimination reactions are also known as dehydration reactions and turn an alcohol into an alkene and water.

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