Trigonometric Functions

Understanding the Basics of Trigonometric Functions

If you are studying trigonometry, you have probably come across the main trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, and tangent. But did you know that there are also inverse and reciprocal functions that play an important role in this branch of mathematics? Let's dive into the world of trigonometric functions and uncover their essential properties.

Remembering the Relationships: SOH CAH TOA

One of the easiest ways to remember the connections between the sides of a right triangle and the trigonometric functions is by using the acronym SOH CAH TOA. For a triangle with one angle marked as theta (θ), the side opposite to (θ) is the opposite side, the longest side is the hypotenuse, and the side next to (θ) is adjacent.

Example: Consider the triangle illustrated below, where θ is the labeled angle and the sides are denoted accordingly.

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