Variation Biology

Variation Biology is the study of how different living things have different characteristics. Each member of a species has unique traits that help them survive and thrive in their environment. These traits are called phenotypes, and they can be seen, like eye and fur colour, or unseen, like blood type.

Phenotypic variation is caused by genetics, the environment, or both. For example, humans have many different physical traits, such as different skin and eye colours. This variation is important because it helps a species adapt to changes in their surroundings. Members of a species with favourable characteristics are more likely to survive and pass on those traits to their offspring.

In short, Variation Biology is all about understanding the differences between living things and why those differences matter. By studying phenotypic variation, scientists can learn more about how species evolve and adapt over time.

What are the Genetic Sources of Variation?

Genetic variation is the study of how different individuals within a species can have different genes. This occurs when individuals have different alleles, which are different versions of the same gene. Over time, the frequency of certain alleles can change from one generation to the next.

Genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms comes from processes like mutations, crossing over, independent assortment, and fertilization. These processes create different combinations of genes in offspring, leading to genetic diversity.

Diploid cells contain paired, one from each parent. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in their diploid cells. Understanding genetic variation helps scientists better understand how organisms evolve and adapt over time.

What is a Mutation?

Mutations are changes in the DNA that create new alleles. These new alleles can have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on organism's. Mut mutations have on the appearanceSometimes can, like when they help an organism adapt to its environment. Other times, mutations can be harmful and cause health problems. However, many mutations have no effect on the organism's phenotype at all.

Overall, mutations are an important part of genetic variation and can contribute to the diversity of species. Scientists study mutations to better understand how organisms evolve and adapt over time.

Alleles describe different versions of the same gene that arise from mutations.


Mutation in a base sequence
Mutation in a base sequence


Mutations can occur in any cell throughout our lives, but only those that occur in the germline cells can be passed on to offspring. These are the cells that form our gametes, such as sperm and egg cells. Mutations that occur in somatic cells, which are all other cells in the body, are not passed on to offspring.

Autosomal mutations refer to mutations that occur in the non-sex chromosomes. These types of mutations are not passed on to offspring because they do not affect the genetic information contained in the gametes. However, autosomal mutations can still cause health problems and diseases in the individual who has them.

Understanding the different types of mutations and how they are passed on is important for scientists who study genetics and evolution. It helps them better understand how genetic variation arises and how it affects the health and survival of organisms.

What is crossing over?

Diploid organisms undergo meiosis to generate haploid gametes, which contain half the genetic information of the parent cell. During meiosis, crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes. Crossing over is the exchange of geneticister hom creates new combinations of alleles on the chromosomes.

In me I, homologous chromosomes pair up very closely to one another during prophase I. This close proximity allows for crossing over to occur at specific sites called chiasmata. The entanglement of non-sister chromatids at the chiasmata creates enough stress on the DNA molecule to cause it to break and rejoin with the chromatid from the other chromosome, effectively swapping out a chunk of DNA. This process results in a new combination of alleles on the two chromosomes.

Crossing over usually occurs at least once in each bivalent pair and is more likely to occur further away from the centromere. This ensures that genetic diversity is increased and that the offspring have a better chance of adapting to their environment.

Overall, crossing over is an important process in sexual reproduction because it creates genetic diversity and allows for the generation of new combinations of alleles on the chromosomes.


Crossing over
Crossing over


What is independent assortment?

Independent assortment is an important process in the creation of genetic diversity during sexual reproduction. During metaphase, pairs of homologous chromosomes align randomly along the equator of the spindle. The orientation of each pair is independent of the orientation of any other pair, which means that each pair can be randomly arranged with either chromosome on top.

When the homologous chromosomes are separated and pulled to different poles during anaphase, it results in different combinations of alleles in each gamete. This is because the separation is completely random and independent of the separation of any other pair.

To calculate the number of possible chromosome combinations due to independent assortment, we use the formula 2n, where n is the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell. For humans, this means there are 2^23, or 8,324,608, different combinations of chromosomes that can result from independent assortment.

This huge number of possible chromosome combinations is a major contributor to genetic variation within a population. It allows for the creation of new combinations of alleles that can lead to increased diversity and adaptation to changing environments.

What is the random fertilisation of gametes?

Meiosis is the process that creates genetic variation between gametes, which are the sex cells that will fuse to create a new individual during fertilisation. In humans, the gametes are sperm and egg cells. Each gamete carries a unique combination of alleles, which are variants of genes that determine characteristics such as hair colour or height.

During fertilisation, any sperm cell can fuse with any egg cell, and share its genetic information, creating a new combination of alleles. The presence of an allele on one gamete does not affect its chance of fusion with any other allele. The random fusion of gametes creates new individuals with diverse genetic traits.

This random fertilisation explains why heterozygous or fraternal twins do not look more alike than normal siblings. Heterozygous twins are formed when two eggs mature simultaneously and are fertilised by two separate sperm cells. Due to the incredible genetic variety between the gametes, there is almost no chance that two successive fertilisations will lead to the same combination of alleles. Homozygous or identical twins, on the other hand, are formed from the same egg and sperm, and therefore have identical genetic material.

Overall, the process of meiosis creates genetic variation between gametes, which enables the creation of new individuals with diverse genetic traits. The random fusion of gametes during fertilisation ensures that each new individual is unique and has a combination of alleles that has never existed before.

What are the environmental sources of variation?

While genetic variation is not directly influenced by the environment, it can significantly affect the way genes are expressed and the phenotype of an organism. The genotype provides a blueprint for an organism's potential traits, but the environment determines how those traits will be expressed.

For example, a plant may have all the necessary genes to grow tall and strong, but if it is raised in an environment with insufficient sunlight and resources, it may not reach its full potential. This means that the genotype provides a range of possible phenotypes, but the environment can restrict where within that range the organism lies.

There are many environmental factors that can influence phenotypic variation in a population. Climate factors such as temperature, rainfall, and sunlight can affect the growth and survival of organisms. The availability of food resources, such as nitrogen, can also have a significant impact on the growth and development of organisms. The presence or absence of predators can also influence the phenotype of an organism, as it may need to adapt its behaviour or physical traits to avoid predation.

In summary, while the environment cannot directly alter an organism's genetic makeup or create new genetic variation, it can significantly influence the expression of genes and the resulting phenotypic variation within a population.

Can environmental influences on phenotype be passed on to offspring?

Environmental factors can influence the expression of genes and lead to variation in phenotype, but this variation is not genetic and cannot be passed on to offspring. For example, the presence or absence of nitrogen in an environment not cause an individual to mutate a new allele that allows to survive better in those conditions.

Quantitative traits, such as height and mass, are often controlled by polygenes and are not discrete phenotypes. The environment plays an important role in determining where an organism lies on the continuum of these traits. While genetics may predispose individuals towards taller heights, factors such as diet can restrict them to more average heights.

If we were to measure the heights of a large number of individuals, we would obtain a bell-shaped curve known as the normal distribution curve. This curve is important because it shows that the mean, median, and mode are all equal, and all points along the curve are equally distributed around the mean. This suggests that most individuals in a population will fall within a certain range of a particular trait, with fewer individuals at the extremes.

In summary, while environmental factors can influence the expression of genes and lead to variation in phenotype, this variation is not genetic and cannot be passed on to offspring. Quantitative traits are often controlled by multiple genes and are not discrete phenotypes, and the normal distribution curve is a useful tool for understanding the distribution of traits in a population.


Normal distribution curve
Normal distribution curve

Discrete phenotypes, such as blood type or certain types of colouration, are controlled by only one gene or set of genes and cannot be appropriately represented by a bell curve. Instead, bar charts are more appropriate for visualising trends in data.

There are two sources of variation in a population: genetic and environmental. Genetic differences occur when different individuals have different alleles, which can result from mutations, crossing over, independent assortment, or random fertilisation. Mutations are the main source of genetic variation.

The environment has relatively little impact on genetic variation, but it can change the way certain genes are expressed, leading to phenotypic variation. However, these changes are usually not passed on to offspring.

A normal distribution curve can be used to depict continuous variation in a population, such as height or mass. This curve shows that most individuals in a population will fall within a certain range of a particular trait, with fewer individuals at the extremes.

Variation Biology

What is the definition of variation in biology?

Variation refers to the differences in the traits expressed by members of a population. 

What are the sources of variation in biology?

There are two sources of variation: genetic and environmental.

Why are some twins not identical?

Homozygous or identical twins are formed from the same egg and sperm, and therefore have identical genetic material. However, some twins are heterozygous or fraternal. They are formed when two eggs mature at the same time and are fertilised by two separate sperm cells. There is almost no chance that two successive fertilisations will lead to the same combination of alleles; thus, heterozygous or fraternal twins do not look more alike than normal siblings.

What is an example of genetic variation?

Differences in eye colour.

Why is variation important?

It ensures the survival of a species in changing conditions.

What are the two types of variation?

Genetic and environmental

What is phenotypic variation in biology?

The variability in phenotypes that exists in a population.

How do we find variation in biology?

It is observable in the phenotypes of individuals.

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