Change Font In Html

Revamp Your Website Design: A Guide to Custom Typography in HTML

The choice of typography can significantly impact the visual appeal and effectiveness of a website. The way fonts and colors are arranged and styled can make a significant difference in engaging readers and driving conversions. In this article, we will go through the process of changing fonts and colors in HTML to enhance your website's appearance and make your content stand out.

How to Change Fonts in HTML

The good news is that changing fonts on a website is a simple process that only requires a few lines of code. Let's walk through the steps together:

  • Changing font type in HTML: Start by accessing your CSS code and use a selector to target the text you want to change. Then, add the property with the desired font name. Save the changes to see the font in action.
  • Changing font size in HTML: Similarly, use a CSS selector to target the text and add the property. Set it to the desired size in pixels or other units of measurement.
  • Changing font color in HTML: To adjust the font color, use the property and set it to your preferred value. Add this to an HTML element, such as a heading, paragraph, or button, using a attribute.
  • Changing font size within a paragraph: CSS allows for precise control, making it possible to change the font size within a paragraph. Simply wrap the text in tags and add a attribute with the property and desired value.

See the Pen How to Change Font Size Within the Same Paragraph [Inline CSS] by Shiken (@Shiken) on CodePen.

How to Change Font Color in HTML

Changing font color in HTML is also a straightforward process using CSS. Simply use the property, set it to your desired value, and add a attribute to an HTML element. For example, we can use the hex color code to change the font color of a paragraph to a vibrant "Lorax orange." By adding the attribute to the paragraph element, only that specific paragraph will be styled, leaving the rest of the text in its default color (black).

See the Pen How to Change Font Color in HTML [Inline CSS] by Shiken (@Shiken) on CodePen.

There are multiple ways to define font color in CSS:

  • Color names: CSS supports 140 color names that can be used to define font color. From turquoise to pink to grey, there is a wide range of options available. However, it may not cover all color preferences.
  • HTML font tag: In the past, developers used the tag to change font styles. For example, . However, this tag was deprecated in 1998 and is no longer recommended. CSS is now the preferred method for font formatting.

Personalize Your Website Design with Font and Background Colors in CSS

Finally, let's explore how to change the text and background colors on a website using CSS. This can be helpful in creating a visually appealing and cohesive design. To change the text color, use the property, and to change the background color, use the property. Add these to an appropriate CSS selector, such as the body, paragraph, or section element. For inspiration, take a look at our collection of 77 blog and website page design examples.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to change fonts and colors in HTML, you can personalize your website and make it more inviting and engaging for your audience. So go ahead and get creative with your typography!

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